origins of government | 6 principles | Bill of Rights | Articles of Confederation | Ammendments |
The day Thomas Jefferson completed the dec. of ind.
July 4, 1776
This states that the government and its officials are not above the law
What is the rule of law
Freedom of speech and religion
What is the first ammendment
George Washington (presiding officer)- vote not to make revisions but a new framework (constitution)
What is constitutional convention
Change in written word of constituion
What is formal ammendment
Encouraged westward settlement and divided the northwest territory into townships
What is the land ordinance of 1785
People are the only source for any and all government power
What is popular sovereignty
Right to trial by jury
What is the second ammendment
Bicramel representative body: house of reps and senate
What is the Connecticut compromise
Changes to constitution which did not change the written word
What is informal ammendment
Declare the causes which impel them to separation
What is purpose of introduction of declaration
Division of power among central government and several regional governments
What is fedarlism
Freedom from arrest without warrant
What is the third ammendment
Territory divided into townships
What is the Land Ordinance of 1785
Step 1: ammendment is proposed (2/3 vote)
Step 2: ammendment is ratified (3/4 vote)
What are steps of ammendments
All men created equal, life liberty and pursuit of happiness, right to abolish unjust government
What is the theory of government
Each branch is subject to restraint by other branches
What is checks and balances
Right to bear arms
What is the fourth ammendment
Governing of NW territory
What is north west ordinance
What is the number of ammendments
"We are..." "We pledge..."
What is declaring independence
Power of a court to determine constituitonality of government
What is judicial review
Right to public and speedy trial
What is fifth ammendment
Led by Hamilton, strong federal government, loose interpretation, elite, business view, pro British
What are fedarlists
8 sections
What is number of sections of constituion