Saint John's / Episcopal | Parishioners St. John's | Mount Sunapee | Lake Sunapee | Hingham Locations |
Who is Bishop Desmond Tutu?
The full name of the South African archbishop who recently died
Who is Nina Leek?
Fake British Accent
What is: Calypso
Coconut Grove Explorer Fin Flip Flop Lemon Closed Lime Paradise Promenade Province Smooth Sail'n Sunnyside Down Open Paradise Glades Spinnaker
Name three (4) trails on the South Peak/Bunny Hill
What is the Connecticut River
From what river is Lake Sunapee fed?
What is 2?
The number of postal locations that Hingham has
What is the "Sexton"?
The title of the person who takes care of the church
Who is Phil Carter?
This parishioner also works at South Shore Hospital
What is Beck Brook?
The trail where Mum fell (the first one)
What is Gardner (Ewen)?
Carol's last name
What is Main Street and South Street
Brewed Awakenings is located on the intersection of these streets
What is 9, 10, 11, 12, 13?; 11 is correct, however the other numbers will be accepted.
+/- two (2), how many presidents of the USA have been Episcopal
Who is Donna Austin?
Charges $10 per hour for Ned to pick weeds
What is eight, 8?
The number of lifts
What is the Sugar River?
The name of this river that connects Lake Sunapee to the Connecticut river is a commodity, valued by Nestle.
What is 6?
The number of public schools in Hingham
Who is the Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris?
The Current Mass. Bishop Suffragan
Who is Paula Bagger?
The president of the Board of Directors for the Hingham Historical Society
What is Province?
The easiest trail; rated by the mountain.
What is the MV (Motor Vessel) Mt. Kearsarge II; or just MV Kearsarge.
Name the Sunapee dinner cruise boat
What is the Main Street Market and Deli?
This is the only store on Main Street licensed to sell the Lottery
What is 7,000?
Approximately, how many Episcopal Parishes are there in the USA? (to the nearest thousand)
Who is Tib Sherrell?
This person has "seen God"
What is the "Little Carpet"
The smallest lift
What is Hastings, Burkhaven, Lakeside, Oakledge, Pine Cliff, Blodgetts Landing, Granliden, Fernwood, and/or Edgemont?
Name three (4) neighborhoods that border Lake Sunapee. Not towns, named locations, or neighborhoods. Excluding George's Mills.
What is 12?
The number of gas stations in Hingham