Good Citizens at Home | Good Citizens at School | Good Citizens in New London |
Helping mom with the dishes. Is this being a good citizen? |
No. Good citizens should share.
During math, you decided to take the blocks away from someone instead of asking for them. |
No! That is littering.
You are eating a popsicle and instead of throwing the trash away in the garbage can, you throw it on the ground.
You get home from school and you do your homework right away
Is this being a good citizen? |
Be Kind and Be Respectful
What are Miss Coleman’s TWO RULES in her classroom?
Do these rules make you a better citizen? |
Yes! Kindness is always an act of good citizenship.
You pass someone on the street and smile at them.
Are you being a good citizen? |
No. Sharing is important, even at home
When your little brother asks if they can draw with you, you snatch the markers away from them.
It is independent work time, but you are talking instead of working.
Are you being a good citizen? |
You are at the store and see a cool toy. It’s so tiny that it can fit right in your pocket. You think that the adult you are with will tell you you can’t buy it, so you put it in your pocket and walk out of the store.
Are you being a good citizen? |
Yes! It is a big help to do that.
You take the trash out EVEN if you didn’t want to.
Is this being a good citizen? |
You can look under your desk and return any materials to Miss Coleman.
Time for dismissal, but the classroom is a MESS!
Give one way that you can be a good citizen and fix it. |
They would tell the person and give the keys back!
You are walking on the street and notice that someone just dropped their car keys on the ground.
What would a good citizen do? |
Make your bed
Clean up your clothes. Any other ideas?
Your room is a mess! What is ONE WAY that you can be a good citizen and fix it?
Straight and Silent
Being a good citizen happens ALL OVER SCHOOL!
How should good citizens walk in the hall? HINT: Miss Coleman will show you! |
What is the number you call when you OR someone else is in trouble?