What is 6 ounces
How many ounces are in our wine pour?
Who's job is it to empty bus tubs?
What is 5 minutes
How much time is required between sending in your appetizers and entrees?
What is Blue
What is Nates favorite color?
Who is Ximena
Which employee found a one eyed teddy bear on their car at the end of their shift?
What is Old Forester
To make our Gold Fashion we use ____ Liquor?
What is 6:30pm
What time does live music start on Friday nights?
What is the flat top
What is the Gold Nugget burger cooked on?
What is William
What is Ricks middle name?
Who is Brad E
Who is the only person to fall down our garbage shoot?
Tomato juice, beef base, Cry baby Craigs, Lemon juice, Lime juice, Salt, Pepper, Chopped garlic, Horseraddish,
Name 6 ingredients in our homemade Bloody Mary Mix
What is 40 tables
How many tables do we have between the bar, cafe, and Excelsior room?
What is Strawberry, Raspberry, Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Oreo
What 5 flavors of Malts do we offer?
What is 2013
In what year did Christie start at the Gold Nugget?
Who is Marcus
What staff member asked a table "if they wanted this shit cleaned up?"
What is tequila
Named from a town in Mexico, what is the first distilled spirit produced in North America?
Who is Ed and Sydney, Jason and Sarah, Gary and Julie, Matt
Name of all male owners and two of the wives
What is $1,500
What is the minimum cost spent for the Excelsior room on a Friday evening?
Who is Esteban
Who is our longest employee here at the Gold Nugget?
Who is Nicole R
What server served sesame oil with pancakes?
What is Old Smuggler
What is our rail scotch?
What is 2009? Originally in the 1920s!
What year did the Gold Nugget reopen in our current building?
What is spinach, grilled chicken, goat cheese, red onion, red bell peppers, candied pecans, mustard balsamic vinaigrette
Build me a Celtic Salad
What is Guerrero
In what state was our chef Andres born?
Who is Chef James
What chef served frozen prime rib at one of our events? (no longer employed here)