Small Things Mortality Love and Family Change and Preservation Indian Politics and Classes
What is the cold moth?

This moth makes it’s appearance on page 107, setting it’s icy legs on Rahel’s heart. The moth is Rahel’s feeling of guilt and sadness because she believes that her mother and brother love her less. This feeling motivates her and influences Estha for the rest of the novel, always searching for love and approval.
This small thing makes it’s first appearance when the family is leaving the movie theater. Rahel says something to Estha and this thing appears and stays with her throughout the novel.
What is the electrocuted elephant?
Pg. 146
This elephant is Sophie Mol’s first encounter with mortality in India, and not her last. The twins are at first concerned that the elephant is the one that visits their town, but are relieved to find out they do not know this elephant. This is an important insight to how the twins are accustomed to mortality and view the importance of people and even that they know. “Thang God” -Estha
This morbid event takes place on the way home from the airport. Sophie Mol points it out on the side of the road.
What are the Love Laws?

While there are no literal love laws, the twins use this term to describe how different relationships have different levels of commitment and love. As they grow up and are taught about how you treat others, they describe these teachings as love laws. A lot of the love laws are broken in this story, and it in these instances that the twins learn even more life lessons, more than when they were taught about the love laws. Ex: Ammu and Velutha, Estha and Rahel
What designates who gets loved by who, and how much?
What is Paradise Pickles? The Pickle Factory owned by Mammamichi

The pickle factory represents the fight for preservation in Ayemenem. Owned by Mammamachi, who is the stereotypical old person who hates change and wants to keep the old ways of life in place. The story is set in a turbulent time in Indian politics and society, which makes these issues stand out.
What is the place of preservation called, owned by the queen of preservation herself?
What is the Indian Communist movement?

Comrade Pillai is a powerful political figure in the novel. It is once stated that he and the police inspector Thomas Matthew “know the machine of the world, because they are the ones that move it”. The story is set in a time of political and societal turbulence in India. This is observed through the Communist movement and the touchable/untouchable classes throughout the story.

*Insert discussion about 266*
This movement was led by Comrade Pillai
What is Velutha’s birthmark?

First mentioned on page 70, when Rahel recognizes Velutha at the Communist march. This small thing is a casual conversation topic between Velutha and the twins and represents the special relationship he had with them. Just like he did not have to treat the twins so well, he did not have to entertain their imaginations with a story of a lucky leaf that brings monsoons on time, but he did because he cared about them. It is also foreshadowed that his leaf was ‘not lucky enough’.
This small thing has been called a Lucky Leaf that is claimed to bring the Monsoons one time.
What is the squashed frog and the squashed Mrs Mitten?
Pg 78
On the way to the theater, the twins noticed a frog that has been flattened on the road, Rahel observes it looks more like a frog shaped stain and wonders if that is what happened to Mrs. Mitten. They begin to call deaths Blank shaped holes in the universe, which is how they view mortality and death.
This morbid event takes place on the way to the theater, after Rahel sees Velutha. She says it reminds her of a certain woman who she and Estha used to hate until she met her fate.
What is the silver thimble?

When Sophie Mol dies, it is said that she is clutching a little silver thimble for good luck. Once again we see these symbols of luck being turned into foreshadowing for bad luck.
This small thing is connected to Sophie Mol and is found on her dead body.
What is the death of Ammu?

Ammu’s death comes in the middle of the novel despite happening years later on the timeline. It is clear that this is not the climax or even a mini climax of the story. The tone of her death is rather a matter of fact. Due to her poor reputation, she is not escorted by an ambulance so Chacko loads her up into a car to be taken to the crematorium. Rahel rides with her dead mother and notes that she looks like a Roman Senator. This prompts her to think ‘Et tu, Ammu’ and think of Estha. When she is cremated, Rahel sees her as her beautiful mother and not as the sickly, disheveled woman she had become.
This morbid event takes place without much remorse from the other characters, despite the victim being close to them all.
What is a tiny wooden boat?

The tiny wooden boat found at the tree by the river. To Estha it’s a means of escape from the ODLD Man, to Rahel it’s a source of adventure with her brother. To Ammu it is also a means of escape, an escape from the pressures and expectations of her family. Both use it in a secretive way as they are hiding something. At the end of the novel, it also ends up being not good enough to protect all of the characters as the kids get knocked out of it. While the twins are able to survive, Sophie Mol does not, which also causes the Terror. In many many ways, without the tiny wooden boat, this book does not happen.
This small thing plays two contradictory roles in the novel for different characters.
What is the death of Sophie Mol?

The death of Sophie Mol was a tragic accident on the river. The reader knows that she will die from the very beginning, but the circumstances surrounding her death are unknown as this is what drives the rest of the story. In her case, it is quite observable how the death of someone can have more influence than the life of that actual person (no discredit to Sophie Mol).
This morbid event takes place tragically after a storm. This event ends up influencing the rest of the story and community greatly.
What is the word ‘yes’?

It is revealed at the end of the novel that this word ‘yes’ is the bolt that locks shut his voice. From that point on he does not speak anymore because of the traumatic events that he has been through, as well as the guilt he carries. Throughout the novel, it seemed that his altercation with the OrangeDrinkLemonDrink Man would be the source of his muteness, but that ends up just being a part of the haystack. This word becomes an extreme sore point in Estha’s mind and makes him not speak anymore.
This small thing is deceptively powerful. It could be compared to the power of Ursula.
What is the death of Velutha?

Velutha’s death is extremely tragic and undeserved. The unfortunate circumstances of his death all build up to the climax of the story when he is brutally beaten by the local police force. His death deals with all the themes of the novel including love, politics, small things, and mortality. The use of this death in the novel is important as it comments on all these themes and ends the storyline.
This morbid event is foreshadowed throughout the novel, but it is not confirmed until the climax.

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