Moses was born and called (Exodus 1-3) The Plagues, Passover, Crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 5-14) The Wilderness Test (Exodus 15-17) The Golden Calf (Exodus 32 & 34) The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20)
God of Abraham, Issac, and of Jacob
God identified Himself as the God of___________
to punish the Egyptians and He judged them for their sin (Exodus 7:4)
Why did God send the plagues?
The journey was not direct. God led His people into the wilderness and the people complained, grumbled.
How was the journey from Egypt to Canaan?
because Moses was up on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights.
Why did the Israelites get impatient?
to show that He is holy and we are sinners. rule is for His glory and our good. Do not have others god beside ME. Do not make an idol for yourself. Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honor your father and your mother. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not covet. Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. first 4 commandments are our relationship with God. and the last 6 commandments are our relationship with one another.
Why did God give us rules (the ten commandments)? What are they and where do you find them in the Bible? How are they grouped into 2 categories?
"I AM WHO I AM". God exist and God does not change.
What is God's name revealed in Exodus 3:14? what does God's name say about his characters?
10 plagues: Water to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock died, boils, hail, locusts, three days of darkness, death of firstborn.
How many plagues? What are they and their orders?
He provided manna, quails, and water.
What did God provide for the physical needs of His people in the wilderness?
the golden calf, and God sent a plaque, a terrible sickness. (exodus 32:35). Idol is anything a person puts in the place of God. Idolatry is sin.
What false god did Aaron make for the Israelites to worship? and How did God punish them for worshiping that thing? What is idol?
If you will listen to Me and carefully keep My covenant, you will be My own possession. (Exodus 19:5). Mount Sinai. God came down in a fire and smoke covered the mountain, the mountain shook.
What did God tell Moses to say to the Israelites? On what mountain did God gave the Ten Commandments? How did God come down on mount _____?
the burning bush
From what did God call out to Moses?
God told Israelite families to kill a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the doorposts so God would see the mark and "pass over" the house. No one in their families died. (exodus 12:1-28)
What happened at the Passover?
God is Yahweh and Yahweh means Lord.
Who is Yahweh? and What does Yahweh means?
“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.” (exodus 34:5-7). God had a plan to punish sin through Jesus' death on the cross from the beginning.
The Lord came down in a cloud and what did he say? What was God plan to punish sin?
God wrote the commandments on the two stone tablets with His fingers. (exodus 31:18)
How and on what things did God write the commandments?
1) to deliver God's people from captivity in Egypt. 2)The calling of Moses points to a greater calling and rescue-the call of Jesus to come to earth to save God's people from sin.
What was God's plan for Moses? and what is God's greatest rescue?
They feared God and believed in Him. They believed that He had sent Moses to lead them. (Exodus 14:31)
How did God's people feel about God after the plaques, the Passover, and the parting of the Red Sea?
as long as they were in the wilderness for 40 years. Manna means "what is it". Just enough to eat for one day and on the sixth day they collected twice as much for 2 days.
How long did God feed the people with manna? what does manna mean? How were they instructed to collect manna?
Moses stood before the Israelites and God. What role did he act as?
God told Mosies to put boundaries around the mountain so no one would get too close.
How did God tell Moses to protect the people from His presence?
5 “Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house,”[a] bearing witness to what would be spoken by God in the future. 6 But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.
Hebrews 3:5-6
God proved to the Egyptians that He is the one true God.
What did God prove to the Egyptians?
His Son Jesus. The Israelites needed bread to live for a little while, but whoever has Jesus will live forever.
God provided manna from heaven for his people's physical hunger. What did God provide for our spiritual hunger?
Jesus is our Mediator and He paid for our sin on the cross. He stands for us before God and God forgives our sin if we trust in Jesus.
Who is our Mediator? and how did our Mediator do for us?
No one but Jesus. When we trust in Jesus, He changes us from inside out so we can live holy lives and keep God's commands.
Who can keep God's law? How can we keep God's commands?

God Delivers

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