Economies of Scale
The greater the quantity of a good produced, the lower the cost because these costs are spread out over a larger number of goods.
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McJobs and Consumerism are both terms associated with this concept involving the USA
CRTC (Canadian Radio-Telecommunications Commission) (X3)
A public organization in Canada which mandate as a regulatory agency for broadcasting and telecommunications
Erasing cultural differences so that people become more and more similar
A process that occurs when the culture of another group is absorbed by another culture
Allowing religious or ethnic groups to maintain their distinct culture within mainstream culture
APTN (Aboriginal Peoples TV Network)
Canadian broadcasting network that airs primarily indigenous programming
La Francophonie
An international organization representing countries and regions where French is the dominant language. Also promote French culture abroad
Lubicon Cree
This nation has been embroiled with the Government of Canada regarding disputed land and resource claims for decades
A system of intermodal freight transport made of steel. They have standardized dimensions and can be stacked and transported over long distances
Transnational Corporations
Nike, Disney, Apple, Microsoft are all examples
Interdependence (X2)
The quality of being mutually reliant on other people within a group
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Canadian crown corporation that serves as a public broadcaster featuring many Canadian programs
Acculturation (X4)
Change as a result of contact with other cultural groups
Pushing a group to the borders of society where they hold little social, economic or political power
Hybridization (X2)
The blending and integration of different cultures that make something new
Collective/individual identity
Traditions, language, clothing & piercings are all ways
A group of Canadians with mixed ancestry. They underwent a process of cultural revitalization and increased their membership
You do this to your identity by seeking its protection as a right in the constitution
Brainwashing (X3)
To make someone adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure like propaganda
A process through which unique cultures regain a sense of identity promoting languages, traditions and customs
The scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics
A word that is often used to describe a native French-speaking people
Multiculturalism (X2)
The preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation
Universalization of pop culture
Producing media, films, tv and other popular media so that it can be consumed by a large audience