Why do polar ice-caps shrink?
Because the temperature rises.
What causes climate change?
There are some natural causes of climate change but humans however have an increasing influence on our climate by burning fossil fuels, cutting down rain forest, farming livestock , and more.
What are greenhouse gases?
A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation.
Name the most common way nature contributes to global warming?
Greenhouse Gases.
What percent of the earth is covered with water?
70% of the world is covered with water.
By how much has the polar ice cap been shrinking over the last century?
15-20 cm
How do people cause climate change?
Humans use energy and release or breath out carbon dioxide.
What does greenhouse gases have to do with global warming?
The green house gases get trapped in the atmosphere therefore making the temperature rise.
How do volcanoes contribute to global warming?
Volcanoes produce a lot of CO2, a green house gas. Although humans produce 100 times more CO2 than all Earths volcanoes combined.
This treaty began in 2005 and was the first international attempt at reducing greenhouse gas emissions but did not include the U.S ?
Kyoto Protocol
When polar ice caps start to melt, what happens to the ocean temperature?
The ocean temperature starts to have different temperatures.
Which country produces the most carbon dioxide?
United States.
Name three main greenhouse gases?
Carbon dioxide, methane and nitro-us oxide
What are some ways humans pollute the Earth?
-Washing your car near gas
-Using plastic or paper bags -Driving a short distance -leaving chargers plugged in -eating meat -ect. |
Is the hole in the ozone layer related to the climate change we are seeing today?
No because the hole in the ozone layer and climate change are two separate issues.
What happens when the sea level gets higher.
More floods start to occur.
How can the earth’s forest affect temperature?
The forest is filled with trees, trees release oxygen therefore keeping the temperature balanced.
How are animals affected by green house gases?
Some animals can only live in the cold, so if temperature rises they become extinct (e.g. polar bears and penguins)
What is the average rise in the earth’s surface temperature?
0.75 Degrees Celsius.
How much do you think sea levels rises at the end of the century.
About 20 feet.
How does climate change affect the ocean?
Polar ice caps may melt and therefore increasing the ocean levels.