The previous generatoin | Open Controllers | ZS Sensors | I-Vu | Controllers |
Carrier Comfort Network
What Does CCN stand for?
Master Slave Token Protocol
What does MSTP Stand for?
What is the default Address of a ZS Sensor?
Software or Box
What 2 ways can you purchase an I-Vu front end?
App Controller
Which custom controller has 5 Binary Outputs and 3 Analog Outputs?
X = Bus Number
Y = Element Number
In the following address example what is X and what is Y? (X,Y)
What is the default Baud Rate of Carriers BACnet controllers?
What is the Highest possible address for a ZS Sensor?
BBMD Tables
What allows BACnet information to communicate across multiple Subnets?
How many Programs can an MPC Processor hold?
What baud rate does CCN use?
What is the name of the Custom Programming used for Open Controllers?
How many ZS Sensors can connect to 1 RTU Open?
What is the BACnet network number used by routers to communicate over IP?
VAV Controller
Which controller is used to control the space in a pressure independent zoning system?
What is the default address of a Premier Link?
How many devices can be on 1 segment of the MS/TP bus?
What is the maximum length a ZS Sensor can properly communicate at?
What is the highest address the I-Vu will "Auto-address" a BACnet router?
How many ZS Sensors can be connected to a UC Open?
What is the name of the custom programming used in CCN systems?
BACnet/MSTP and BACnet/IP
What are the 2 layers of BACnet communication?
Zone Temperature, Humidity, CO2, and Motion
What does a ZS2P-HCM-CAR read?
Bridges and Gateways
What are CCN routers referred to as when they are configured to communicate on the I-Vu?
When Setting up a system with 6 Controllers ( 1 RTU - 4 Zone Controllers and 1 Bypass damper) What address would the bypass be?