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The ability to read and wright.
Wangari Maathai?
An environmental activist in Kenya who challenged government policy by starting a green belt movement.
3 obstacles confronting development
Over population,child labor, and economic dependence
crowded and dangerous Slums consisting of flimsy shacks occupied by poor newcomers from Africa, Asia, and Latin American nations.
Dang Xiaoping?
A practical reformer interested in improving the economy than in political purity.
3 outcomes of development
women's roles evolved, religion influences societies,, and cities rapidly grow
Green Revolution?
Commercially improved seeds, pesticides, and mechanical equipment such as tractors. and new farming methods
Mother Teresa?
A roman catholic nun, founded the missionaries of charity in Calcutta.
obstacles confronting Africa's future
Drought(starvation), AIDS, people moving to cities, and environmental threats
Movement of people from rural areas to cities.
Juan Peron?
Nationalist president who increased the government's economic role. by raising wages backing labor unions.
challenges facing china
Huge population growth, economic problems, and suffering human rights
One-child policy
Limited urban families to a single child to control population growth.
Mothers of the plaza de Mayo
women who marched holding pictures of there missing sons and daughters, kidnapped by the government
rulers seize power, threatening revolution, U.S. intervenes with military, war on drugs, civil war
list only 3 difficulties china faced on the road to democracy