Better To Pass Than Fail | To Read Or Not To Read | School Spirit | Everything Else | 1-2-3 |
How many times can you get a tardy before you receive a detention?
Are you allowed to go to the library during lunch?
6-0, 6-1 and 6-2
Name the 6th grade teams
Yes - before and after the bell and BYOT
Are phones ever allowed?
20 minutes
How long is advisory? BONUS: on what days do students not have advisory?
3 minutes
Are passing periods 3 or 5 minutes?
Lunch, passing periods, during class with a pass
Name one of the times you can go to the library
Francis Granger Middle School
What is the full name of the school?
Cardio room and weight room
Name the two different workout rooms
How many houses area are there?
Not unless you have a pass
Are you allowed to go to the nurse during passing periods?
No. And why wouldn't you want to read a good book?
Can you vote for Caudill without ever reading a book?
Metea Valley High School
What high school will Granger students attend?
Past the fingertips
How long do shorts have to be to follow the dress code?
40 minutes
How long is lunch?