How I Met Your Mother | New Girl | Ice Age | Shrek | Ratatouille |
What did Ted steal for Robin after their first date
Blue French Horn
Who is afraid of cats because they tried to nurse on their nipples
Why did the Rhinos want to kill Sid
Sid ate their dandylion
Who did Prince Charming find in bed when he expected to see Fiona
Big Bad Wolf
How does Remy control Linguini
Pulling on his hair
What is the name of the bar the boys wanted to open
Who thought they had meth in their closet
What are the dodos trying to protect and how many
3 melons
What happened to the Mermaid that kisses Shrek
Eaten by sharks
What name does Linguini give Remy
The Little Chef
What is Robins Alter Ego - Bonus points for singing 2 songs
Robin Sparkles
What is the sketchy Landlord's name
What is Sid's nickname for himself
Sid: Lord of the Flame
What is Shrek asked to do at his kids birthday party
Do the Roar
What is Remy's job in the rat colony
Food Checker
How many times does Marshall get to slap Barney in the Slap Bet
What is Winston's age when he gets the belly button ring
How many Ice Age movies are there
What is the dog bread that the Fairy God Mother gives to Fiona
Bichon Frise
What is the name of the restaurant Linguini works at
What is Ted's kid's names
Luke and Penny
Who are the keepers of the 5 secrets
Winston and Nick
What is the name of the baby
What is Shrek and Fiona's kids names
Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia
What is the name of the scary food critic
Anton Ego