2, 4, 6, 8! | What is Compensation? | Do You Take Notes in 302? | Batter Up! |
The Oakland Raider Raiderettes
What team created a lawsuit against the NFL?
What food was used to demonstrate "Base Pay" in the Intel video?
True or false: Market forces change over time
Major League Baseball Properties, Inc.
Who was the FanFest lawsuit brought up against?
How much was each Raiderette getting paid per game originally?
All the monetary rewards, both direct and indirect, provided to employees
What is compensation?
False- overtime, min wage, and child labor
True or false: FSLA oversees overtime pay and retirement plans
With t-shits, caps, water bottles, free admission, and baseball memorabilia
How was John Chen rewarded for his volunteer work?
$9.00/ hour or $14,000 backpay
How much were the Raiderettes paid after the lawsuit was settled?
A supplemental retirement system established in 1935
What is Social Security?
Just over 15%
About how much of your salary goes to Social Security/Medicare?
His compensation did not add up to minimum wage
What was John Chen's argument for suing Major League Baseball Properties, Inc?
What was the name of the cheerleader in the video?
Health insurance, company vehicle, free/reduced fees, paid events, etc.
What are examples of indirect monetary rewards?
Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Retirement Plans, Paid Leave
Name a benefit that is a form of direct compensation that we talked about in class
Over 2,000
How many volunteers were needed to put on FanFest?
Mandating what the Raiderettes could and could not do on and off the field
Why was the NFL Constitution in controversy over the lawsuit?
Divorce, resignation, layoff, discharge, medical leave, etc.
What are examples (list two) of qualifying events under COBRA?
Job Descriptions, Job Evaluation, Job Classification, Pay Structure
Name the 4 Tools of Pay Structure as mentioned in class
FanFest was a seasonal amusement attraction that was not directly connected with Major League Baseball Properties, Inc.
Why did the courts rule in favor of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc?