when and why | the journey | contributions |
the 1880's.
when did the major waves of German immigrants to America start to die down?
what form of transportation did the German immigrants use to get to America?
E=mc2 squared and Albert Einstein.
what is this formula and the scientist that discovered it? this scientist was from Germany and the formula he discovered was a huge step in science.
the 1850's.
when did the major waves of German immigrants start to immigrate to America?
disease, poor food, or seasickness.
what is one experience Germans had during the trip?
the Christmas tree, the emphasis on family, and giving gifts.
what parts of Christmas did we get from Germany?
the Napoleonic Wars had left the German economy suffering.
what is one push reason that Germans immigrated to America?
Were there any good experiences during the trip?
Babe Ruth and Lou Gahreg.
what two famous baseball stars were from Germany?
Foriegn imports, like cloth from Enagland, overwhelmed the German markets.
what is one push reason that Germans immigrated to America?
Did Germans usually gain friends during the trip?
America had societies that promoted Germans.
what is one pull reason that Germans Immigrated to America?
were the diaries of the passengers explaining good or bad experiences?