Types of Rocks | The Earth in Orbit | Parts of the Globe | Soil | Continents/Oceans |
What is chalk?
A type of rock that is used to write on blackboards
What is a sphere?
Round, like a ball (the earth is considered to be this shape)
What is the North Pole?
The northernmost part of the globe
What is topsoil?
The uppermost layer of soil
What is Europe?
The continent that contains the countries of France, Germany, and Italy
What is obsidian?
A shiny black rock used for arrowheads
What is to orbit?
The earth's pathway around the sun
What is the South Pole?
The southernmost part of the globe
What is Humus?
Decayed material in soil
What is the Arctic Ocean?
The coldest and smallest ocean
What is granite?
Forms most of the earth's crust under the continents
What is rotation?
The spinning motion of the earth
What is the equator?
The imaginary line that splits the earth into two halves across.
What is sediment?
Matter that settles to the bottom or sides of a body of water
What is South America?
The continent which contains the countries of Brazil, Chile and Peru
What is slate?
Used for blackboards
What is one year?
The amount of time measured by one revolution
What is the Northern hemisphere?
The half of the globe that is north of the equator
What is erosion?
The wearing away of the earth's topsoil due to water and wind
What is the Pacific Ocean?
The largest ocean
What is conglomerate?
Made from pebbles or cobbles cemented together
What is the axis?
The imaginary line that runs north and south through the earth
What is the Southern Hemisphere?
The half of the globe that is south of the equator
What is a delta?
A deposit of sand and soil at the mouths of some rivers.
What is the Indian Ocean?
The warmest ocean