Parts of a Map | Lines | Types of Economics | Mapified | Environmental issues |
What is a key
another word for this is legend
What is the Equator
this line that separates the Northern Southern Hemisphere's
What is export
to send goods and/or services to other countries for sale
What is a political map
a map that shows non-natural boundaries
What is Greenhouse Effect
the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
What is a compass rose
what tells you which direction your going on a map?
What is the Prime Meridian
this line separates the Eastern and Western Hemisphere's
What is import
to bring goods and/or services from one country to another to sell
What is a physical map
a map that shows natural landmarks
What is a continent
any of the world's main continuous expanses of land
What is lattitude
these lines runs from East to West
What is the Tropic of Cancer
this line is 23 degrees North of the Equator
What are natural resources
materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.
What is a region
an area or division, esp. part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
What is a glacier
a slowly moving mass or river of ice
What is longitude
these lines runs from North to South
What is the Tropic of Capricorn
this line is 23 degrees South of the Equator
What is population
all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country
What is an urban area
in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town
What is a climate
the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
What is a scale
the ratio of a distance on the map to the exact distance on the earth
What is hemisphere
the half of a sphere
What is environment
the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
What is a rural area
in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town.
What is global warming
a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect