latitude and longitude | region | resources | map | random |
What is latitude
an invisible line parallel to the equator
What is an urban region
a region filled with people and buildings
What is natural recources
resources produced by the earth
what is a political map
a map that shows the lines dividing countries, states, etc.
What is hemesphere
half a sphere
What is prime meridian
a line of longitude at 0 degrees
What is a rural region
a farming region
What is importing
bringing goods and services into a country
What is the scale
the measurements on a map
What is the tropic of capricorn
a line of latitude at 23 degrees South
What is longitude
an invisible vertical line parallel to the prime meridian
What is region
how to categorize a certain area based on the things in the area
What is renewable
resources that will NEVER run out
What is a physical map
a map showing landforms
What is the environment
the are water and land in a certain area
What is the equator
a line of latitude a 0 degrees
What is poputation
the number of people in an area
What is exporting
sending goods or services to another country
What is the legend
the table on a map otherwise known as the key
What is a glacier
a mountain of ice that moves
What is the tropic of cancer
a line of latitude at 23.5 degrees North
What is 5 themes
movement, region, location, H.E.I., and place
What is nonrenewable
resources that WILL run out eventually
What is the compass rose
the place on the map showing north, south, east, west, etc.
What is the climate
the weather over a long period of time