Coniferous Trees | Elliot Lake | Pollutants | Leisure activities | Fauna |
What is thick bark
Keeps out cold and keeps moisture in
What is uranium
This was mined for in the 1950's to help develop nuclear weapons
What is acid rain
Pollutants in the air contribute to this type of rain
What is ice fishing
An activity done in winter on lakes using huts
What is snowshoe feet
Some animals have these type of feet to stay on top of the snow
What is thick waxy cuticles
Needles have a type of antifreeze in them to prevent moisture loss
What is nuclear energy
The second boom for uranium was to develop this type of power source
What is nitrogen oxide
This pollutant comes mostly from vehicle emissions
What is downhill skiing
Winter activity on the many hills in the coniferous forest biome
What is hibernation
A number of animals that spend the winter sleeping which is called ?
What is bitter
Needles have this kind of taste to prevent animals from eating them
What is a one industry town
Elliot Lake was known as this type of town
What is sulphur dioxide
This pollutant comes mostly from the burning of fossil fuels in manufacturing plants
What is camping
Summer activity involving tents
What is gather in groups
Some animals do this in winter for both warmth and food
What is dormancy
trees are in this state throughout the winter when there is less sunlight and precipitation
What is diverisfy
Elliot Lake needed to do this in order to not become a ghost town
What is pH
Usage of this scale shows the acidity levels in lakes
What is lakes or rivers
Water skiing and swimming can be done because there are so many of these features
What is snow
Animals like voles live in tunnels under the _________ for the winter
What is downward
the branches slope in this direction to let the snow slide off
What is retirement
Today Elliot Lake is most famous for this kind of living
What is 1 / 3
The fraction of lakes that are showing some recovery in the last 25 years
What is hiking
An activity you usually do on the Bruce Trail
What is a food cache
Squirrels store their food for winter in this.