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What is the environment.
What is made up of the air, water, land, and living things?
What is wild animals that live in an area.
What is wildlife? (p.54)
What is dry, wet, cold, hot, snowy, windy, calm, rainy.
What are some different climates in the United States? (p.35)
What is a start.
What is shown on a map to point out a capitol? (p.53)
What is to make paper, to build homes, to make a fire, etc.
What is one way the natural resource, trees are used for?
What is landforms.
What are the mountains, plateaus, and plains examples of?
What is to use something over again rather than throwing it away in the garbage.
What does it mean to recycle? (p.44)
What is renewable resources can be replaced; nonrenewable resources cannot be replaced.
What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? (p.42)
What is directions. North, East, South, West
What does a compass rose show? (p.39)
What is it helps them prepare for the storm, or leave the community if they need to.
Why does it help people to warn them in advance of bad weather coming?
What is natural resources.
What is something found in water, forests, and minerals that people use?
What is minerals.
What are things found in the earth that are not plants or animals? (p.41)
What is geography can help us understand why people in different places have the kinds of homes and wear the kinds of clothes they do.
Why is it important to learn about geography? (p. 31)
What is the kind of landform each color stands for.
On a landform map, what does the map key show? (p.39)
What is different colors, or designs.
How are different landforms shown on a map?
What is a large, flat landform that rises above the land around it.
What is a plateau?
What is to become used to something. Example: People who live in cold climate are used to wearing warmer clothing.
What does it mean to adapt? (p.34)
What is a peninsula is land that has water on three sides. An island is land completely surrounded by water on all sides.
How is a peninsula different from an island? (p.53)
What is atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
What two oceans border the United States? (p.38)
What is suburban.
Do we live in an urban, or suburban community? (p.22-23)
What is land that has water on three sides. Example: Florida.
What is a peninsula?
It describes what a place's weather is like over a long period of time.
What is climate? (p.34)
What is the wildlife helps most of the people of Ine make a living. They fish and take visitors on tours.
How is the wildlife of Ine important to the people who live there? (p.55)
What is the area being shown on the map.
What does the map title tell you? (p.39)
What is fishing jobs.
How do the people of Ine, Japan use resources around them?