Europe | Africa | Asia | The Americas | Oceania and Antarctica |
What is the Alps?
This is the name of the mountain range that runs through Switzerland and Austria, as well as parts of Italy and France
What is the Nile?
This is the name of Africa's most important river. It starts in Lake Victoria and ends in the Mediterranean Sea,
What is the Himalayas?
This is the highest mountain range in the world.
What is Greenland?
This is the name of the gigantic island in North America that belongs to Denmark.
What is Australia?
This is the largest country by land area in Oceania.
What is Scandinavia?
This is the name of the region that is made up of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
What is the Sahara desert?
This is the name of the largest desert in Africa.
What is Saudi Arabia?
This is the largest country on the Arabian peninsula.
What are Canada, the United States, and Mexico?
These are the three biggest countries of North America.
What is Tasmania?
This is the name of the Australian island located south of the mainland.
What is the Black Sea?
This is the name of large the body of water that is located between Ukraine and Turkey.
What is Madagascar?
This is the name of the large island located off the African east coast.
What is Kazakhstan?
Behind Russia and China, this is the third largest country in Asia.
What is Cuba?
This is the name of the largest island in the Caribbean.
What is the Great Victoria Desert?
This is the name of the largest desert in Australia.
What is the Strait of Gibraltar?
This is the name of the narrow passage that you need to sail through if you want to enter the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean.
What is Algeria?
This is the largest country in Africa.
What is Siberia?
This is the name of the large region that makes up the major part of Russia.
What is Chile?
This is the name of the very narrow but long country in South America.
What is the North island and the South island?
Those are the names of New Zealand's two main islands.
What is the Ural mountains?
This is the name of the mountain range that makes up the border between Asia and Europe.
What is the Cape of Hope?
This is the name of the southernmost point of the African continent.
What is Iran?
This is one of the largest countries in the Middle East. It was previously known as Persia.
What is the Amazon River?
This is what gave the name to the rainforest located in the north of South America
What is Murray?
This is the name of Australia's longest river.