Maps | Latitiude & Longitude | Oceans & Continents | Earth | Miscellaneous |
What is a key or legend?
The box in which map symbols are explained.
What is the equator?
The invisible line at 0 degrees latitude?
What is the Pacific Ocean?
I am the ocean located west of North America.
What is a sphere?
The shape of planet Earth
What is an axis?
I am an imaginary line through the center of the Earth connecting the two pole.
What is a political map?
I show cities, states and countries.
What are meridians?
Lines of longitude are called
What are Europe and Asia?
The two continents are connected together.
What is the Western Hemisphere?
North America and South America are both located here.
What is the Tropic of Cancer?
I am the place farthest North at which the sun shines directly overhead.
What is a compass rose?
I show both cardinal and intermediate directions.
What is East and West?
Lines of latitude run
What is the Indian Ocean?
This ocean lies just West of Australia.
What is the Eastern Hemisphere?
Asia, Australia and most of Europe can be found here.
What is a mountain?
A very tall high natural place on Earth-higher than a hill
What is a scale?
I help you estimate real distances on Earth.
What is the Prime Meridian?
I am an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole at 0 degrees longitude.
What is Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern?
Name all five the Earth's ocean.
What is the Southern Hemisphere?
South America and Antarctica are located here
What is a cape?
A pointed piece of land that sticks out into the sea, ocean, lake or river.
What is a physical map?
I show land forms and bodies of water.
What is a global grid?
I am a pattern of crossed lines formed by lines of latitude and lines of longitude.
What is 7?
The Earth contains this many continents.
What is the Eastern Hemisphere?
Most of Africa is located here
What is a tributary?
A stream or river that flows into a larger river