5.2 | 5.3 | 5.4 | 5.5 | 5.6 |
what is Sparta
this is the city-state that Athens formed an alliance with
What is Rome
this Greek empire was built around 800-BCE
what is the great schism
This is the act resulting in a permanent split between the new churches
What is the black death
This disease in 1347b terrified European
what is the renaissance
this is an age of rediscovered ideas
What is socrates
This is the Greek philosopher who was accused of not believing in the gods that the city recognized who is he
What is a constitution?
This is a system of basic rules and principles by which a gov is organized
what is patriarch of constantinople
This is the leader of the eastern church
what is the church
This is what held the most authority in medieval times
who was prince henry
which navigator explored the seas during the age of discovery in the 1400s
What is the Mediterranean climate
this is the climate that Greece has
What is a republic
This became the Roman government in 509bce
what is byzantium
This is the place that the constantinople was built over
what is christian european conquest
This is what called the launch of the crusades
Who is martin luther
This is the most important leader of the reformation
What are mainland Greece and the islands of Aegean?
this is where the Greek-speaking people settle when they entered lands from the north
What are the east and the west
This is the way the roman empires were divided
What are byzantine missionaries
these are the people who tried to convert others to particulier religion
what are battles
This is the year that the last crusaders were driven from the holy land
what was the mona lisa
these pieces of art were bought for learning purposes
What is Pericles?
this is the guy whose first major change was to pay citizens for participating in different civic duties who is he.
What are battles
This is the main way romeins were able to expand
what is 1453
This is the year, that the final attack from the turkish ottomans the ottomans use cannons that help them break down the walls in .
who is charlemagne
This is the christian that was devoted and his military victories reunited much of original western roman empire.
who were michelangelo and leonardo divinchi
these artists made new emphasis on realistic portrayals of human beings in art