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What is Anuria
absence of urine
What is oliguria
A diminished amount of urine formation
What is renal stenosis
Blockage or narrowing of the renal artery because of atherosclerosis or scarring.
What is nephrotic syndrome
Damage to the glomerular basement membrane allows protein to be released in the urine; characterized by extensive proteinuria, hyperlipidemia (elevated blood lipids), hypoalbuminemia (low blood albumin), and severe edema.
What is hemodialysis
The removal of nitrogenous wastes from the blood by circulating arterial blood through a dialysate and returning it to the venous circulation.
What is Proteinuria
An excess of serum proteins in the urine.
What is urinary frequency
Voiding more often than every 2 hours. This can be the result of inflammation, decreased bladder capacity, psychological disorders, pregnancy, or increased fluid intake
What is dysuria
Painful urination.
What is nocturia
Excessive urination during the night.
What is peritoneal dialysis
Filtration of blood across the peritoneal membrane by instilling dialysate solution into the peritoneal cavity.
What is Nephrotoxic
Substances that can be toxic to the kidneys
What is hydronephrosis
Distention of the renal pelvis and calices with urine that cannot flow through obstructed ureters.
What is urinary hesitancy
A delay in starting the stream of urine; may be related to partial obstruction
What is urinary incontinence
Involuntary passing of urine.
What is urinary retention
Retaining or holding urine in the bladder; inability to start the urine stream or to completely empty the bladder.
What is glomerular filtration rate
the amount of blood filtered by the glomeruli in a given time
What is glomerulonphritis
An immunologic problem caused by an antigen-antibody reaction in the kidney.
What is acute kidney injury
Occurs suddenly as a result of physical injury usually secondary to hypoperfusion, infection, inflammation, or damage from toxic chemicals.
What is end-stage renal disease
The final stage of chronic and irreversible renal failure requiring dialysis.
What is chronic renal failure
A progressive loss of kidney function that develops over the course of many months or years.
What is urinary diversion
Creation of an artificial opening (stoma) on the skin surface for elimination of urine from a pouch created from a segment of intestine as a urine reservoir.
What is nephrectomy
Surgical removal of the kidney.
What is lithiasis
The formation of stones.
What is lithotripsy
The crushing of a calculus in the kidney, bladder, urethra, or gallbladder.
What is uremic syndrome
Symptoms produced by retention in the blood of urea, creatinine, and other nitrogenous wastes normally eliminated in the urine