Punnett Squares | Inheritance | Genetic Disorders | DNA Technology | Genetic Modification |
What is 0
Purple flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p). If a homozygous purple flower is crossed with a white flower, how many offspring will be white?
What is homozygous.
Term for when you have two of the same allele.
What is UV radiation, smoking, etc.
A way to damage your DNA and create mutations.
What is improving food quality, crime scene investigation, reproductive technology, etc.
What can DNA technology be used for?
What is Dolly.
Name of the first sheep that was ever cloned.
What is 50%
A curly haired woman (Cc) and a straight haired man (cc) have 4 kids. What is the probability a kid has curly hair?
What is dominant trait.
A trait that masks the presence of another trait.
What is nondisjunction.
The term used to describe when chromosomes don't separate properly during meiosis.
What are test-tube babies.
Babies born through IVF are often called this.
What is pets, testing drugs and treatments, endangered species, superior animals
Potential uses of cloning
What is heterozygous
A black cat (BB) mates with a white cat (bb). What is the genotype(s) of their offspring?
What is sex-linked.
A type of trait that is carried on the X-chromosome.
What is a carcinogen.
A substance capable of causing cancer.
What is artificial insemination.
When sperm are collected, concentrated and placed in a woman's uterus
What is
What is one advantage and one disadvantage of genetically modified food?
What is 50% spotted, 50% plain.
Spotted fish (Ss) mate with plain fish (ss). What are the phenotypes of their offspring?
What is A, B, O.
The alleles for blood type.
What is 2.
The number of alleles a person needs to be affected by a recessive disorder.
What is heel prick test.
How are babies tested for genetic disorders shortly after birth?
What is a GMO.
An organism that has genes inserted from another organism.
What is 1.
A colour blind man (b) marries a woman who is a carrier for colourblindness (sex-linked). If they have 4 kids, how many girls would be colourblind?
What is a carrier.
A person who has a recessive allele but does not display that trait.
What is proteins.
Genes carry instructions for the production of _____________
What is amniocentesis.
Test of the fluid surrounding the fetus.
What is
Potential ethical issues with cloning