General Knowledge | Part 1 | Part Two | Random Trivia | Double Jeopardy |
What is Genesis
This is the first book of the Bible
What is Creation
-also- God is the Source
The first event in part 1 is
What are Chapters 12-50
Part two covers 4 men, these are the chapters that the events take place in
Who is Judah
Jacob had 12 sons, this son would later have a descendant named Jesus
Who is Lot
This mans wife was turned into a pillar of salt
What is G-E-N-E-S-I-S
Spell the first book of the Bible
What is Sin
-also- Man goes his own way
The second event in part 1 is
Who are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
Part two covers the lives of these 4 men
Who is Joseph
This man was looked on with envy for his colorful coat
What is Ishmael
This is the name of Abrahams first son
What is Beginning
"Genesis Means" this
What is Flood
-also- Hard Reset
The third event in part 1 is
What is Israel
The third man in part two is nicknamed this
Who is Isaac
This man was almost sacrificed to God by his father
What is 127
Abrahams wife, Sarah, lived to be this age before dying
Who is Moses
Genesis is known as the 1st Book of this famous Old Testament character
What is Babel
-also- Confuse Language
The final event in part 1 is
What are Family, Land, and Seed
The covenant with Abraham promised these three things
What is Easu
Jacob was not the oldest son of Isaac, this was his brothers name
What is laugh
Sarah did this when she heard the visitor say she would still have a child
What is Creation and the death of Joseph
Genesis covers the time between these two events
What is Chapters 1-11
Part 1 covers which chapters?
Who is Isaac
The second man in part two is who God renewed His covenant with; his name is this
What is Hebrew
The Old Testament Scriptures were originally written in this ancient language
What is Archery
After being sent away, Ishmael learned this skill