Notable Names | Chapter Headings | Enormous Events | How Old Were They? | Random Trivia |
Who is Eve
This famous person is credited with being the Mother of All Living
What is Chapter 3
"The Fall"
What is The Flood
When the Lord saw there was only wickedness on Earth, this event purged the world of all living things who were not on the ark.
What is 969
Methuselah lived to be this old
What is The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
This is the tree that Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat from
Who is Cain
This notable figure was known as the first person to commit murder.
What is Chapter 6
"Wickedness in the World"
What is Cain and Abel
Known as the first murder, this event really showed the worst of sibling rivalry
What is 600
Noah was this old when the flood began
What is The 5th Day
On this day of creation, God said let there be creatures in the sea and birds of the air
Who is Abraham
Hailing from Ur of the Chaldees, this famous person almost sacrificed his own son
What is Chapter 10
"The Table of Nations"
What is The Third Day
The Lord created vegetation and plants on this day
What is 70
Terah was this old when he became father to Abraham
What is The Tower of Babel
This tower, was to reach the heavens as a testament to mankind's ability
Who is Methuselah
Reaching 969, this man holds the record for the longest living human ever on earth
What is Chapter 1
"The Beginning"
What is Remove one of Adams ribs
The Lord did this event to create Eve
What is 930
Adam was this old when he died
What is Cherubim and a Flaming Sword
After removing man from the Garden of Eden, the Lord put this at the entrance to the tree of life
Who is Shem
A son of Noah, this famous figure would eventually have a descendant named Jesus
What are Chapters, 6, 7, and 8
Noah and the Flood
What is The Dove and the Olive Branch
This was the sign to Noah that the water was receding from the flood
What is 500
Noah was this old when he became father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth
What is 7 Times Over
Anyone who killed Cain would suffer vengeance this many times over