Six Days of Creation | Garden of Eden | Fall of Man | Whole Bible | Our Catholic Faith |
According to Genesis, which came first, the chicken or the elephant?
Eden was in the north, south, east, or west?
b) Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
What is name of the tree from which the serpent tempted Eve?
a) Apple Tree b) Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil c) Tree of Life d) Tree of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong |
a) Gabriel
Which angel appeared to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was:
a) Gabriel b) Michael c) Gideon d) Raphael |
God did not create the devil.
True or False? |
fourth day
On which day were the stars created?
d) die
God said to the man that on the day he would eat the forbidden fruit he would:
a) feel hunger for the first time b) feel pain for the first time c) sin d) die e) get a stomach ache |
c) fig
From what kind of leaves did Adam and Eve make clothes for themselves?
a) lotus b) palm c) fig d) banana e) maple |
c) Silver
Which of these was not one of the gifts brought by the Magi:
a) Myrrh b) Frankincense c) Silver d) Gold |
Angels do not have souls.
True or False? |
The sun and the moon were not created at the same time as day and night.
True or False |
c) Jordan
Which of these rivers did not flow from the river flowing out of Eden?
a) Tigris b) Euphrates c) Jordan d) Pishon e) Gihon |
a) skins
When God made clothes for Adam and Eve, he made them out of:
a) skins b) cloth c) woven grass d) tree bark |
b) an angel
Joseph fled from Bethlehem with the Child Jesus and Mary after being warned by:
a) an Old Testament prophecy b) an angel c) one of the three wise men d) a high priest |
a) Confession
Which of these is not a sacrament of initiation whereby be we fully become members or the Church:
a) Confession b) Baptism c) Eucharist d) Confirmation |
False. "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1.27
God created man in his own image, but not woman in his own image.
True or False |
a) Adam
Who named all the animals?
a) Adam b) God c) Eve d) Noah |
False. "The man said, 'The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree and I ate."" (Genesis 3.12.)
When asked by God, Adam said the serpent tempted him to eat the fruit.
True or False? |
c) Simeon
Who was promised that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ?
a) Zacharias b) Joseph c) Simeon d) John the Baptist |
b) Incarnation
The mystery which deals with Christ having both divine and human nature is:
a) Redemption b) Incarnation c) Transubstantiation d) Reincarnation |
Man and animals were created on the same day.
True or False |
(The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. Genesis 2.15)
Adam did not have to work until after the Fall.
True of False |
b) cherubim
Who guarded the way to the Tree of Life?
a) archangels b) cherubim c) seraphim d) guardian angel |
d) Nazareth
Where was Jesus raised after returning from fleeing the King of Judea:
a) Bethelehem b) Jerusalem c) Capernaum d) Nazareth |
d) eternal happiness
Our human destiny is:
a) live long and prosper b) love your neighbour as yourself c) be a good person at all times d) eternal happiness |