Purposes of Music/Jazz | Jazz, continued | Movin' on up from Jazz | Feel the Beat | You say Timber, I say Timbre |
What is ceremonial?
The Star Spangled Banner is an example of this purpose of music.
What is improvisation?
Jazz music is unique because of this technique, where you make it up as you go.
What is group improv vs featured soloists?
The difference between Dixieland vs Chicago style
What is a melody pattern?
The piano plays this type of pattern.
What is timbre?
It's what makes an instrument sound unique, like a fingerprint.
What is recreational?
This purpose includes the hokey pokey and lullabies.
Where is New Orleans?
This is the birthplace of jazz music.
What is texture?
Layers of sound
What is an eighth note?
When this type of note is by itself, it has a flag on the stem.
What are percussion, winds, and strings?
These are the three groups or families of instruments we have discussed so far.
What is artistic expression?
This is the most popular of the three purposes of music.
Who is Ella Fitzgerald?
She was known as the First Lady of Song, and also the Queen of Scat.
What are instruments, melody, lyrics, rhythm?
These are some examples of layers of sound.
What is Faerie Stories?
This song includes 7 different ostinato patterns.
What are bowing and plucking?
These are two ways that string instruments are played, which changes the timbre.
What is Dixieland jazz?
Group improvisation.
What is scatting?
Vocal improvisationon nonsense syllables.
What are ostinatos?
Short musical patterns that repeat over and over again.
What are the bagpipes?
This instrument used in Faerie Stories is part of the Winds family and is played by filling the instrument with air.
What is the style of music being played?
It determines if it's called a violin or a fiddle.
Who is Louis Armstrong?
He was a great trumpet player and had a very unique singing voice.
Who is Duke Ellington?
He was a famous jazz pianist who was born Edward Kennedy.
What are rhythm and melody patterns?
One pattern is pitched while the other is unpitched.
What is the xylophone?
The balaphon is an example of this type of melodic instrument.
What are the size, the way it's played, and what it's made out of?
These are some different ways to describe the timbre of an instrument.