General Medication Information Mechanism of Action HOW do they work? Concepts of Medication Utilization Patient Compliance CHAM Medicine Handbook
What are CHAM approved drug references?
Lexi-Comp’s Drug Information Handbook for Advanced Practice Nursing.
Lippincott Nursing Drug Handbook.
Mosby’s Nursing Drug Reference.
What is the mechanism of action of bronchodilators?
Drugs that relax muscle contractions of the bronchioles to improve breathing. This also help to clear out mucus better and help to push out air with exhalation so that air does not stay in the lungs (air trapping).
What are liver and kidney function tests?
Certain blood tests are important to establish a baseline and know how to prescribe many medications.
What are things that interfere with patient taking their medications as prescribed?
Health care team-patient interaction: trust/rapport with your patient, your expectations vs. patient’s expectations.
Patient’s assessment of benefits/risks of therapy
Confusion/misunderstanding about regimen
Psychiatric/physical limitation
What is a therapeutic effect?
What the intended effect of a drug is called.
What are the 5 Rights?
Right patient.
Right medicine.
Right dose.
Right route.
Right time.
What is the mechanism of action of antibacterial antibiotics?
Act by inhibiting the growth and replication or destroying susceptible bacteria. Each family this class of medication works on a different part of the bacteria to kill it.
What is a drug level?
What is it called when we measure how much drug is in the bloodstream.
What is bring all their medications?
What you need to tell your chronic care patients to bring with them at every chronic care visit.
What is a side effect?
What are unintended effects of a drug?
What do check for on EACH medication when you first select if to give to a patient?
Expiration Date
Consider intended route - for example
What is the mechanism of action of anti-hypertensive medications?
A drug or treatment that reduces high blood pressure.
Certain drugs that increase the making of urine (diuretics) lower the blood pressure. They do this by decreasing blood volume. Other medicines cause vasodilation or affect the heart rate to decrease blood pressure.
What are the liver and kidneys?
Two of the most important organs in metabolizing and excreting drugs.
What is with every visit?
Or what is every 3 months (if visits are every 3 months)?
You have a patient with chronic hypertension, and you are seeing them for a chronic care visit. You need to review the medications they take for their hypertension how many times a year?
What is a WARNING before you give this medication?
other) or drinks a lot of alcohol (more than 3 drinks daily), talk to your doctor or pharmacist BEFORE giving this medicine.
Female patients who drink two or more drinks daily.
Male patients who drink three or more drinks daily.
Signs of hepatitis include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice (yellow eyes/skin).
Ask the doctor if there is another medicine you can use.
If patient took an overdose of Acetaminophen (unintentional or as a suicide attempt), report to your referral doctor NOW, even if patient looks okay.
Larger doses will NOT relieve more severe pain. If needed, your doctor may suggest another treatment plan.
The different strengths of this medicine are listed above.
Carefully check the strength of your medicine.
Be sure you give the correct dose (mg). Ask your referral doctor or pharmacist if you are NOT sure.
What are routes of administration?
Topical (Skin, eyes, ears)
Suppository (rectal, vaginal)
Injectable (IM, SQ Intradermal and IV
What is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug?
NSAID stands for:
What is small body mass or what is more water volume?
One important difference to consider when thinking about how medications are utilized in children.
What is demonstrate the use of an inhaler?
What is having the patient demonstrate to you the use of the inhaler?
An important part of showing a patient how to use an inhaler is to:
What is patient education for any medicine?
What medicine does (what it is used for).
How to use the medicine.
How much of medicine to take.
When (how often) to take it.
How long to take it for.
What are signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction?
Skin/Soft Tissue Chart A: Skin Rashes, Bites, Stings, Sores, Growths, Lumps



Usually happens within minutes of exposure.

Usually caused by:

A shot of an antibiotic (often penicillin) or vaccine.
Bee or wasp sting.
Eating or breathing in something patient is allergic to.
Itchy. Hives.

Shortness of breath or chest tightness.

Weak or faint.

General Appearance: Looks sick, scared.

Short of breath.
May have swelling of face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat.
Vital Signs:

Pulse and Respiration: Fast.
Blood Pressure: Usually low (shock).
Chest: May have wheezing.

Skin: May be red, have swelling, hives.

Note: Hives -spots usually one cm or larger; red, swollen, raised welts with sharp edges; pink “halo” around edges; center may be white.
What is an anti-hypertensive drug?
A drug or treatment that reduces high blood pressure.
Certain drugs that increase the making of urine (diuretics) lower the blood pressure. They do this by decreasing blood volume. Other medicines cause vasodilation or affect the heart rate to decrease blood pressure.
What is less subcutaneous tissue?
What is decreased body mass?
What is impaired function of liver, kidneys, or digestive tract?
One change in the elderly that might affect how medications are utilized.
What is health literacy?
If you give a patient instruction and they look at you like they don't understand anything you just said you need to assess the patient's level of
What are questions to ask before giving any patient medications?
Is patient allergic to this medicine?
Does patient have ANY allergies?
Is patient taking any other medicines?
Does patient have any chronic health problems?
If a woman: Is she pregnant or breastfeeding?

General Information About Medicines

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