What to wear for Tefillah | The Questions We're Asked in Heaven | The Importance of Emet & Shalom | Bathroom Talk | The Gift of Shabbos |
What is "Hikone"
This word teaches us that you should dress up for Tefillah
What are the six orders of the Mishnah
Zeraim, Moed, Nashim, Nezikin, Kodshim, Taharot
What is "Chalash Libeihu"
This phrase either means that the Rabbis were upset b/c they were judging all day and had no time for Torah learning OR that they were "hangry" b/c they missed lunch time
What is Shalom
This Hebrew word is synonymous with the name of Hashem
What is tell them about the gift
You should always do this when you give someone a present, except when it needs to be a Matan B'seter like Tzedaka
What is standing in front of God like a servant stands before their master/king
This feeling might cause someone to dress down for Tefillah - take one's cloak off and clasp your hands together
What is the 1st question you're asked in Shamayim
Were you honest in business or did you struggle to have faith
What is to issue a judgement that is totally "Emet La'Amito
If you do this, you literally become a "partner with Hashem in creation"
What is Emet
This word refers to the "seal of Hashem"
Who is Yossele the Holy Miser and Joe (the Assistant Bishop)
This man gave Tzedaka to the entire town of Krakow in Poland - and he had a great, great great etc. grandson who was raised a Catholic but found his way back to Judaism
What are: a hat, a belt (gartel), and a jacket or nice socks :)
These 3 things are things a person might wear for davening
Who is Elie Wiesel
This Holocaust survivor wrote an Op-Ed in the NYT on Erev YK telling God, "that he finally forgives Hashem for the things that happened to him and his family"
What are Torah, Avodah and Gemillut Chasadim AND Emet, Din and Shalom
The world stands on these 3 things...And exists/is sustained by these 3 things
What is Ne'eman (faithful)
This word is just an adjective that describes Hashem
What is Shabbos
This is the great gift that Hashem had in his store house which He gave to the Jewish People
What are a pair of shorts or sandals
If you were living on a Kibbutz in Israel or were in camp you might be able to wear these for davening
What is Daf Yomi
This is the practice that has the entire Jewish world learn the same Daf of Gemara everyday and finish Shas every 7 1/2 years
Who is the Kotzker Rebbe
This is the Rebbe who said, "If I am I & You are You, b/c I am I & You are You, then I am I & You are You; BUT, if I am I b/c You are You & You are You b/c I am I, then I am not I & You are not You
What is the Truth
Hashem "changed' this in order to protect the dignity of Avraham - when Sarah laughed, saying that he's too old to have a baby
What is that the way to celebrate Shabbos is by eating, drinking, resting and indulging in the physical things of this world
This fact makes it so difficult to understand how Hashem gives us great spiritual rewards in Olam Haba for keeping Shabbos
What is NOT considered a good head covering
Covering your head with your own hand
What is Hatikvah and Tzipita L'Yeshua
This is the idea that is the bedrock of Jewish life, whereby, it is the title and theme of the Israeli National Anthem
Who are the angels of Chesed and Tzedek AND the angels of Shalom and Emet
These sets of angels were in favor of Hashem creating the world and these sets were against it
What is Back to the Future
The end of this movie shows us how delicate the Universe is, whereby if one thing happens that throws the ecosystem of the world or history off - it can change everything
Who is Senator Joseph Lieberman AND B/C Shabbos kept him connected his Torah, Family and the Jewish People
This man decided to start keeping Shabbos again in college after his grandmother died and he went on to become the first and only fully Shomer Shabbat US Senator. And he did it for these reasons