Background Info. Minhags Menorah Laws Candle Laws Tefilot
The second Beit Hamikdash
During which Beit Hamikdash did the story of Chanukah take place?
You are not allowed to fast in order to keep your happiness high
What shouldn't you do on Chanukah?
Yes. You should make sure that there is a space in between each candle/flame.
Do the candles have to be in 1 straight line? What else should you be careful for with the chanukah candles?
You can't benefit from the candles/the light of the candles.
What can't you benefit from?
Women have to light because they were also in the miracle. Once children get to 6 and up, you must light.
Do women also have to light the menorah? Why? Do children have to light?
The Yevanim. The Hashmonaim fought against them.
Who were the enemies and which group of brave Jews fought against them?
No, you can reuse wicks
Do you need to use a new wick every night?
Tzeit Hakochavim, you should not do anything that will distract you right before you light.
What is the time of Hadlakat Nerot? What can’t you do right before Hadlakat Nerot?
At least 30 minutes, your whole family should be there.
How long should the candles burn for? Who should be there when you light?
On friday night you light the Chanukah candles and then the shabbat candles and after shabbos you do havdalah and then light the Chanukah candles.
What is the order that you light on friday night? What is the order that you light on motzei Shabbat?
They could not live the life of a Jew, that meant no doing mitzvot or learning torah.
What were the decrees put against the Jews?
Pure olive oil, a silver Menorah is best, and you cannot light two wicks together because it can look like a torch
What type of oil should we use? What type of Menorah is best? How many wicks can you light with?
(Nair Ish Li-baito) One candle for each household, but the best way to fulfill the mitzvah is for every member in the house to light their own menorah and to light the amount of candles for that specific night.
What is the mitzvah of lighting the chanukah candles? What is the best thing to do (mehadrin min ha-mehadrin)?
You put the first candle on the right side and put the newest candle to the left of the previous night’s candle. Then you light the newest candle to the oldest candle
Where do you put the first candle? Where do you put the newest candles? What is the order that you have to light the candles in?
We add Halel after shacharit and we don’t say tachanun, laminatzeach, kel erech apayim, and tzadcha tzedek
What do you add on Chanukah (not Al Hanisim)? What don’t you say?
Chuf Hey Kislev. Rabim b-yad Me-atim (the smaller defeated the bigger), and one small jug of oil lasted eight days instead of one.
What was the date of the story of Chanukah? What was the miracle that happened? How long did the oil last?
We eat dairy foods to remember the bravery of Yehudit (and how she was able to kill by Holofernes giving him cheese and wine.)
What kind of food is there a custom to eat on chanukah? Why? (not talking about fried food)
The best is to have it outside next to your door on the left side facing the public. You have it on the left side so when you walk into the door, you are surrounded by mitzvot. You have it in public to show the mitzvah of Persumai Nisa, or in a window fac
Where should you light your Menorah? Try to explain as many of them as you can. (Be as specific as possible!)
Lehadlik Ner Shel Chanukah, Sheasah Nisim, then Shehechiyanu. (We only say shehechiyanu the first night). We can say Hanerot Halalu after we light the first candle.
What is the order of the Brachot we say on the first night? When can we say Hanerot Halalu?
Al Hanisim. If you finished the entire thing, then you don’t go back and say Al Hanisim. If you didn’t say Hashem’s name in the Bracha right after, then you go back and say Al Hanisim, and if you said the next Bracha but didn’t finish the whole prayer, yo
What do you add to your tefillot and benching on Chanukah? What do you do if you forget?
One meaning is Chanu-kah, or we rested on Chuf hey, the other means rededication. We rededicated the Beit Hamikdash on Chanukah (Chanukat Habayit). We try to recommit ourselves to torah learning and tzedakah.
What are two meanings of the word Chanukah? What do we try to do a lot of during Chanukah?
Women cannot do Malacha because they were also involved in the miracle (Yehudit)
What is the minhag that women should not do once the candles are lit and why?
It should be 3-10 tefachim, as long as it isn’t 20 Amot it is still allowed. 20 Amot is too high because your eyes do not look that high naturally
What is the range of heights that your Menorah should be? What happens if it is higher? Why is 20 Amot or higher too high?
You should light it in shul on the southern wall, so you can have optimal Persumai Nisa. You light in between Mincha and Ma’ariv.
Where else should you light? Why? On what wall should you light it? What time?
It is from Naso, it is about the korbanot that the nissiyim/princes brought and the order leading up to chanukat habayit. We take out 2 torahs on shabbat of Chanukah. On the halacha is “if there is something regular and not regular, the regular goes first
Where is the torah reading from? What is it about? How many torahs do you take out on shabbat chanukah? What halacha do we follow because of the order? How many torahs do you take out on shabbat rosh chodesh and chanukah?


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