Hawaii | Food & Drinks | Music | Geography | Animals |
What is the name of the tallest mountain in Hawaii?
Mauna Kea
A buffalo burger is made of which type of meat?
What was Elvis Presley's first hit in 1956?
Heartbreak Hotel
What is the name of the largest country in the world?
A dog sweats through which part of its body?
What was the name of the ancient Hawaiian system of laws and customs that were strictly enforced for many generations?
The Kapu System
Immersing food in vinegar to prolong its lifespan is known as what?
Which famous American pop singer was born in the state of Hawaii?
Bruno Mars
How many countries are there in the united kingdom?
Which common farm animals were originally domesticated in southern China?
What is on the top left-hand corner of Hawaii's flag?
Union Jack (UK flag)
What is the only edible food that is said to never spoil?
Guitarist George Harrison was a member of which influential rock group?
The Beatles
What U.S. State is home to no documented poisonous snakes?
How many bones make up a shark's body?
How many letters are there in the Hawaiian alphabet?
Hickory Trees produce which type of nuts?
What is the name of classical music's biggest-selling living artist with a record sale of over 80 million units?
Andrea Bocelli
In what ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?
Atlantic ocean
What animal can only eat upside down?
What is the name of the channel that separates Moloka'i and Oahu?
Kaiwi Channel
Coconut water can be used as what in the case of medical emergencies?
Blood plasma
What musical group named themselves after the paper form issued by the UK government’s Department of Employment for claiming the dole?
What country has pyramids older than Egypt?
What species has the largest eyes in the animal kingdom?
Colossal Squid