U.S. Presidents | On my Period | War Catalysts | Droppin a Phat Turd | Quik Maffs |
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
The 16th president, known for his Gettysburg Address
What is Chlorine?
This element is commonly used in swimming pools to help eliminate bacteria and algae
What is the Revolutionary War or American Revolution?
Colonial opposition to British attempts of control
What is Tilted Towers?
First introduced on January 18, 2018, this location was struck by a meteor, creating a huge crater in the center of the city
What is the exponent?
This is the second step according to PEMDAS
Who is Thoman Jefferson?
This president is known for his purchase of the Louisiana territory
What is Hydrogen?
This element with atomic number 1is the lightest of all elements
What is the French and Indian War or the Seven Years War?
Disputes over the Ohio River Valley
What is Salty Springs?
The oldest point of interest, this location has been around since launch
What is f(x)?
This is used to describe the value of a function
Who is Millard Fillmore?
The 13th president, known for his insistence on federal enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
What is Lithium?
This element is known for its use in bipolar disease treatment with the atomic number 3
What is the Spanish American War?
The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
What is Tomato Town?
This location is the smallest point of interest to date
What is Sigma?
This greek symbol translates to "the sum of"
Who is James A. Garfield
The second president to be murdered in office was fatally shot in a Washington railroad station
What is Nobelium?
The atomic symbol of this element spells out a word used in giving a negative response
What is World War 1 or The Great War?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What is Polar Peak?
This location was located at the top of a snowy cliff
What is a factorial?
This term is used to describe when a number is multiplied by every whole number below it and is shown with the symbol "!"
Who is Benjamin Harrison
The 23rd president, who shares the last name of the first president to die in office
What is Manganese?
This element helps the body form connective tissue, bones, blood-clotting factors, and sex hormones with an atomic number of 25
What is the Greco-Persian War?
Revolt from the Greek Ionians after mass silver mining
What is Greasy Grove?
This location was frozen over by an iceberg in season 7
What is a residual?
This term describes the difference between the exact point from the predicted value of an LSRL