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Syracuse university
The university where gphi was founded
The name of BU's gphi chapter
Girls on the run
What is gamma phi's national philanthropy
anyone!!!! WOO!!
Who can run for a leadership position in gamma phi?
Pink carnation
Gamma phi's flower
November 11, 1874
The date that gphi was founded
Region 1
The region that BU's gphi chapter is in
Building strong girls
What is gamma phi's philanthropic "mission"
Kelsey, LP, and Jess! :)
Your new member educator and assistants
Founded upon a rock
Gamma phi's open motto
University of Michigan
The university where the second gphi chapter was installed
Alpha chi
Tha name of your pledge class
US and Canada
What two countries have gphi chapters
Lauren Baltrus
Who is our president (in delta chapter)
G phi ballin'
The name of our spring philanthropy (2016)
Love, labor, learning, and loyalty
Gphi's four core values
bridgewater and bentley
the two other chapters that we participate in founders day with
moonball lol
The new name for Gphi's "crescent classic"
NME, philanthropy, standards, scholarship, ritual, etc.
Name an officer position
The crest
What is the one thing you cannot wear until you're initiated?
What is Helen M. Dodge, Frances E. Haven, E. Adeline Curtis, and Mary A Bingham
Our four founders
the year that BU's chapter was installed
12737 East Euclid Drive, Centennial, Colorado 80111
Headquarters address
What are the 7 executive positions
alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa
What are the first 10 letters of the greek alphabet