Rainbow Operators | Rainbow General | Rainbow Lore | Call of Duty | Super Shit |
Not known / Redacted
What is N0KK's name?
Operation White Noise
What operation was Vigil introduced in?
Who help design Tachankas glass on his old turret?
'No Russian' was in which Call of Duty?
The Flash
The “Scarlett Speedster” is the nickname of which superhero?
Attackers 31>30
As of RIGHT now , which side has more operators , defenders or attackers?
Presidential Plane, and Tower
What maps have three floors but the objective is never on the top floor? (name 1)
What operator was training for the Olympics before they broke their arm?
Model 1887
Which MW2 Shotgun infamously broke the game?
Which blind hero is known as the 'Man without Fear'?
Zero and Mute
Who are the oldest and youngest operators? (up to date)
11 (House, Oregon, Clubhouse, Hereford Base, Presidential Plane, Consulate, Bank, Kanal, Chalet, Kafe Dostoyevsky, Bartlett University)
How many maps are part of the base game?
What is Dokkaebi's first name?
Which CoD game famously didn't feature a campaign?
Who is the superhero twin brother of Scarlet Witch?
Who is Jordan Trace?
What is the name of Thermite's Assault Rifle?
Which operator is an Orphan?
Nacht der Untoten
What was the first Zombies map?
The Daily Bugle
Which newspaper does Spiderman – Peter Parker – work for?
Iana (5'2)
Who is the Shortest operator?
Angled Grip
Which attachment was added with Operation Skull Rain?
What is the last name of the GROM twins, Elzbieta (Ela) and Zofia?
Which Call of Duty title released in 2013?
The Paradise Island / Themyscira
Wonder Woman comes from which island?