Math Science facts Rhyming words Filling in the sentences Filling the BLANKS in
Answer is 8,it is just subtracted by 8
If 8+8=16,then what can 16-8=,Think about it for 60 seconds....
Answer can be a wedge,screw,and others
Name a simple machine that can go in a door TY'ASIA?
Some can be duck,luck,huck,cluck,and others
What is a word that can rhyme with truck...Name some words not have to be exactly like mine but not nasty neither....At least one have to be like mines
The rest is,fetch a pail of water,jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after
If Jack and Jill went up the hill to,Finish the rest I didn't do
The blank is Mia
If Sequoia, Cameron,BLANK,and Ma-La were left alone in my class,they would fight.....Fill in the blank I didn't answer.............
Answer is 8
What does 4+4=
What is FORCE
If force can equal work,then what can work equal?
Some can be mouse,rouse, and other
Name some rhyming words that rhyme with house?At least one have to be like mine
The rest is,Flag of the united states of America,into the republic,for which it stands one nation undergod indivisible,for liberty and justice for al
Finish the pledge of aligance song,I plege aligence,to the,finish the rest I have forgotten....
The answer is BEAR,SEQUOIA dog bear
If these dogs Bear and BLANK were fighting, who would win...Think about the blank...DUHH MY BEAR WOULD WIN.!!!!!!
The answer is 6
What does 5+1=
Answer is no, it comes from a catipiller but its has to stay in its crystal until its a butterfly
If a butterfly stays in its nest for months, then does it need for or nahh?
What is frog,clog,slob,hob,and others
Name some rhyming words that rhyme with the word dog........At least one have to be like mine
The blank is GOOD.....I think that she is not a wonderful teacher.......
If Ty'asia taught yall in my class, do you think she will be a blank teacher or not....
Answer is BEAR.........
If debo and blank tears my trash up,think about the blank I didn't do
Answer is 400, its is just like 3+1 but with two zeros at the end......
What does 100+300=
Well,the answer is clothes, clothes can carry anything espically roach eggs or any other things......
If one person came to your class and didn't have a roach on them and the next day there was 3 little roaches,think about how they got here......
The blank is SEQUOIA
If I left Cameron,Mia,Ma-La,and blank alone in the class,Fill in the blank I didn't do
The answer is KRISTI
Ever since BLANK moved,why have folly been leaving his dog off the chain to get ran over one day...Think about the blank I didn't put.
Answer is 8
What does 6+2=
Answer is screaming but not to loudly and running because foxes have rabeeds
If there was a fox in your house,how would I expect you to react?
The answer is kinda,I will be happy for some people to get outta here who is bad..............
FINAL ANSWER,IF BOTH TEAMS GET THIS RIGHT THEY WILL GET TEN THOUSAND POINTS..If I wrote all of my students up,do you think I will be happy,or nahh???Try to get close to my answer............
The blank is Joey and Cameron
If BLANK,jasmine,CHRYSTAL,blank,and damian Were gone,what would you try to do in my yard.Think about the blank I didn't put in.

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