this has probably 1000% happened | Harry Potter | Star Wars | Name that niche movie from the scene. | Sex facts |
What is Carly Ann
It's 4pm in the afternoon, and she just woke up. Immediately she is en route to Cracker Barrel. Who is this?
What is Snape
Who kills Voldemort?
Mace Windu
Samual L. Jackson plays this Jedi Master in the Prequel trilogy
What is the 40 year old virgin.
A 40 year old man gets his chest waxed for the first time and cries in agony. Also he is still a virgin...
What is the circular object placed around the penis shaft?
cock ring
What is Baylizzle
There's a big, fun party happening just down the block, ______ says that she can't go because she "has to go to Snell". 12.5 minutes later she is out the door ready to go. Who is this person?
What are the cloak of invisibility, resurrection stone, and elderwand
What are the deathly hallows
"The force is strong with this one!"
Darth Vader observes this about Luke Skywalker right before he blows up the Death Star in Star Wars IV
What is Brokeback Mountain.
The only part of this movie that anyone knows is the part where those 2 dudes do naughty things in a tent.
How long does it take for a woman on average to climax when with a partner?
20 minutes
What is Emily <3
It's the weekend and vibes are low. Out of nowhere a majestic beautiful angel descends upon you. All of a sudden vibes are infinite. Who is this?
What is petunia
What is Harry's aunts name
Frank Oz
This alumni of the Muppets show voiced Master Jedi Yoda?
What is Mean Girls.
"It's not my fault you're like in love with me!" Is screamed at an emo girl who is standing up out of the sunroof of her car.
What are the two most commonly purchased vibrator types/shapes?
Bullet, Rabbit
What is Danielle
You're casually walking around your apartment and you stop in your friends room. It's the middle of the afternoon and she's napping butt ass naked in bed. Who is this?
dragons, mermaids in the lake, maze
Name the three challenges in the goblet of fire?
LukÄ™ Skywalker grew up on this desert planet
What is Mrs. Doubtfire.
A man dresses up as a nanny to spy on his kids because hes down so bad after his wife asks to divorce him. He even puts on fake latex boobs in the bathroom at one point to pull this out.
Average penis size in us?
btw 5.5-6
What is Joshy Baby
We're standing outside of a bar and it's time to order Ubers. There is one and only person left who can help us complete our mission. As soon as that bitch is ordered Venmos are sent within 0.7 seconds. Who is this person?
Who is Cedric digory
Who amongst the cast does carly most want to have sex with?
"I have a bad feeling about this!"
Han Solo always exclaims this line in apprehension when faced with a potentially risky scenario
What is idk which one but one of the Pirates of The Carrabian Movies.
Disclaimer** I know that is spelled wrong this doesn't have spell check. I am trying the best I can
A sexy pirate man pulls onto shore and runs into a mean British dude who is all like ewww a pirate. The sexy pirate man is like yo chill. Long story short the sexy pirate man escapes on a big boat.
How old was Dani when she lost her virginity?