Courses and Registration Honors Requirements Campus Resources Enrichment Opportunities Macaulay Miscellaneous
What is 2.
The minimum number of honors courses you should try to take every semester
What is 15 hours (8 in your first year) & May 1st.
The number of community service hours you must complete each year and the annual deadline for submission.
What is the Student Academic Consulting Center (SACC).
This center offers tutoring services to students in all major subject areas.
What is STARR Search and Macaulay CareerPath.
The names of the Baruch and Macaulay job search portals.
What is 35 W. 67th Street, New York, NY
The location of the Macaulay Honors College Building.
What is an e-permit.
Grants permission to take a course at another CUNY campus.
What is 4 (your first two years), because of the four required Macaulay Seminars.
The number of semesters you are exempt from the Arts & Culture requirement and why (correct answers must include the reason).
What are an A in the course and a recommendation from your professor.
The requirements to become a tutor at SACC.
What is NVC 2-150.
This is the location of the Office of Career Services.
What is Macaulay Mondays.
The name of the newsletter you receive every week from Macaulay w/ info about upcoming activities.
What is 4 in the winter and 8 in the summer.
The maximum number of credits Macaulay Tuition scholarship will cover for both winter and summer semesters.
What is 3.3 through your 45th credit and 3.5 in each succeeding semester.
The honors gpa requirement.
What is in the Macaulay building, Room 305.
The location of the Macaulay Health and Wellness center.
What is one year (although you should start ASAP).
At minimum, how far in advance you should start planning your study abroad trip.
What is the Macaulay Finals Wellness Event, Dec. 13th from 5-8PM.
This upcoming event will help you destress by playing with some animals.
What are “CUNYfirst”, “Student Center”, and “Enrollment Dates”.
The website, page name, and section heading under which you can view your course enrollment or “registration” time.
What are IDC 1001H - Arts in New York City, IDC 3001H - Peopling of New York City, IDC 3002H - Science and Technology in New York City/ Science Forward, IDC 4001H - Politics of New York City.
The names of the four Macaulay Seminars in cumulative order.
Who is Stephen Francoeur.
He is the Library liaison for the Honors Program.
What are 12:30PM-2:30PM, Mon.-Fri., and 4:30PM-6:00PM, Wed. & Thu.
These are the walk-in hours of the Baruch Study Abroad Office.
What is Guided Meditation - usually held weekly on Thursday evenings.
Another chance to destress courtesy of the Health and Wellness staff at the Macaulay building.
What are BPL 5100H, IDC 4050H, and PAF 4410H.
The honors capstones for Zicklin, Weissman, and Marxe students.
What is Great Works ENG 2800/2850(H) or CMP 2800/2850(H).
This required course must be completed by all Macaulay at Baruch students but is not a Macaulay seminar.
Where is the Annex Building 137 E. 25th Street, 10th floor, room 1006.
The location of Tony’s office.
Who is Valerie Hymas, Director of the Office of National and Prestigious Fellowships Advising (Annex Building, 137 East 25th Street, Room 1027).
The person to see if you are thinking about funding for academic & non-academic opportunities beyond Baruch.
What is ClubMacaulay.
The central digital hub for all things student life at Macaulay.

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