Exclusions | Expected Behaviors |
What is ... STING or pre-STING flag
Automation will NOT be sent if noomer is tagged with..
What is System Generated Message (SGM)
This acronym, is a message that sends automatically
What is... > 30 characters or < 30 characters ending with a "?"
Automation will NOT be sent if last message from user is..
What is... hidden & completed
SGM Inbox event are...
What is... an inbox event for the coach to complete
If an exclusion logic is met, the task will convert to...
What is ... a weekend SGM
This SGM is delayed until 9am Monday...
What is... weekends & when a coach is OOO
An SGM is delayed when...
What is nicknames or [[name]]
[THIS] has been removed from all SGM's due to concerns
What is... Part-time coaches, B2B coaches, VIP coaches, Novo, coverage coaches, STING coaches, guide coaches, CCRGs
Automation will NOT be sent if Coach UFC is...
What is ... general check-in message
If SGM is triggered on same day as YLCI or UU, this will be prioritize first...