"Yo" | "Tu" | "El/Ella/Usted" | "Nosotros" | "Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes" |
Comprare los zapatos
I will buy shoes
Miraras la television
You will watch television
He will travel to MexicoViajara a Mexico
He will travel to Mexico
Estudiaremos para la prueba
We will study for the test
Ellos cantaran
They will sing
Trabajare manana
I will work tomorrow
Cocinaras el pollo hoy
You will cook chicken today
Usara la computadora
She will use the computer
Ganaremos manana
We will win tomorrow
Hablaran en espanol
They will speak in Spanish
Comere un pizza
I will eat a pizza
Recogeras la basura manana
You will pick up garbage tomorrow
Reciclara el carton
He will recycle cardboard
Correremos a la escuela manana
We will run to school tomorrow
Escribiran la prueba
They will write the test
Limpiare mi cocina
I will clean my kitchen
Respiraras el aire puro
You will breathe fresh air
Caminara a la playa
She will walk on the beach
Reciclaremos el vidrio
We will recycle glass
Conservaran el petroleo
They will conserve oil
Conservare la selva
I will conserve the rainforest
Protegeras los recursos naturales
You will protect natural resources
Sr. Moscoso protegera las especies en peligro de extincion
Mr. Moscoso will protect endangered species
Terminaremos nuestra tarea
We will finish our homework
Nadaran en el lago
They will swim in the lake