Math | Science | Rhyming words | Filling in the blanks | Finishing the sentences |
Answer is 8
If 8+8=16,what can 16-8=
The answer is its slime, its slime is slithery and slimy and can get slimy on anything.....
If a worn has no legs, then how does it from one place to another??
What words rhyme with slime? At least one has to be like mine
The blank was KRISTI
When BLANK moved, Follys been leaving his dog to tear my trash up every day. What was the blank I missed?
Fetch a pail of water,jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after
Jack and Jill went up the hill to, finish the rest I didn't put....
Answer is 2
What is 1+1
The answer to that is No, it has to stay in its nest until its a real butterfly
If a catipiller has to stay in its nest for months, then does it need food?
What is rouse, house, and others
What words rhyme with mouse?At least one has to be like mine
The blank was BEAR sequoias dog bear
When my dog Bear and BLANK fought, wos dog did you think won? Fill in the blank ONLY no other comments. DUHH MY BEAR WON!!!!
I pledge of alligance,to the flag, of the united states of America, into the republic for which it stands, one nation, undergod, invisible, for liberty and justice for all
Finish the pledge of alligence I didn't put up here
Answer is 8
What is 4+4=
The only simple machine that's in a door is a SCREW
Name a simple machine that goes in a door to hold it up...
duck, cluck, and others
What words rhyme with truck? At least one has to be like .They CANNOT be NASTY.
The blank was Jr
When Jaquan, blank, and William came here, did they have fun? Fill in the blank only
The answer was abraham
Finish this sentence........ My father who? Who was I missing?
Answer is 8
If 2+2=4,then what does 4+2=
An ant doesn't bite, it pinches you
If a ants mouth is to small to bite people,how does it bite you?
Frog, clog, slob, nob, and others
What words rhyme with dog?
The blank was bear
When me and my dog BLANK saw the fox Saturday night, he THE DOG was barking, what dog am I talking about?
Answer is 400 because its just like 3+1 with just two zeros at the end
What is 100+300=
The answer to that is it pinches you just like a ant
If a bee doesn't sting you, how do you get hurt by one then?