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what is doe
what is the name of a female deer?
What is take the L
what is the dance with the L on forehead
What is ninjago
what is the movie with ninja lego
what is turning red
What is the movie where a girl turns into a panda
what is chocolate
what is the icecream flavor that is a light brown
What is 8 legs
how many legs does a spider have?
What isfloss
what is the dance where u move your hips and arms
what is fuller house
What is the tv show with a house full of people
what is the little mermaid
What is the movie with a crab, a fish, and a red head mermaid.
what is vanilla
What is the icecream that is white
What is butterflies
what do catapillars turn into ?
What is jumbo popcorn
what is the dance where it throws popcorn
What is tmnt
what is the show with turtles in it
what is moana
What is the movie where a girl lives on an island and isnt aloud to leave
what is strawberry
What is the ice cream that is pink
What is cheetahs
what is the fastest land animal ?
What is the shoot
what is the dance where you kick our leg while moving your arms
What is zoey 101
what is the show where the girls move into an all guys school
what is monsters university
What is the movie where there is monsters at a college
what is bubble gum
What is the ice cream that is pink with harder pieces in it
what is 4 noses
how many noses does a slug have?
What is perfessional dancer
what is the dance where you dance
what is the office
What is the show where they sit in an office and they are funny
what is finiding dory
What is the movie with fish and one of them has memory loss.
what ischocolate cookie dough
What is the icecream that is brown with chocolate chunks in it and cookie dough