fruit 1 | fruit 2 | fruit 3 | fruit 4 | fruit 5 |
is botanically a berry. It may look like it grows from a tree, but the __________ is actually the fruit of an herb. |
One average sized ______contains almost twice the amount of fiber as one serving of a fiber supplement. It also tastes a lot better, too. |
A _____ is a berry not a fruit. This is because botanically a berry contains seeds inside the flesh, not outside. |
Nutrition-wise, _____ fruits contain about as much potassium as bananas and a high amount of Vitamin C, more than oranges. It is also rich in Vitamins A and E, flavonoids and minerals. The ___ fruit actually has twice the Vitamin E of an avocado, but has only 60% of the avocado's calories. |
mandarin oranges
are an excellent source of Vitamin C. They are also a very good source of dietary fiber. |
is a natural meat tenderizer. It contains papain, which breaks down tough meat fibers. |
____ float in water because a whopping 25% of their volume is actually air. |
______does not grow on a tree but on an herb. A tree’s stem is made of wood unlike the ______, which is made of fibers. |
Though sweet, it’s low in calories. |
mandarin oranges
good source of B vitamins including vitamin B1, pantothenic acid and folate as well as vitamin A, calcium, copper and potassium. |
While _____ is available all year round in grocery stores, peak season is June through September. |
Some studies have shown that consuming _____ regularly may reduce your risk of cancer. This healthy fruit contains pectin, quercetin, procyanidins, and Vitamin C, which are all beneficial in the prevention of disease and cancer. |
______ are sterile; you can’t sow seeds and grow them. _____ are grown by cutting a piece from another plant, sort of cloning. Which means the ____ you are eating today is genetically the same as the _____your grandfather ate. |
Among health and beauty junkies, _____ are popular ingredients in DIY face masks. ____ are rich in alpha hydroxy fruit acids, vitamin C, E and K. _____ are ideal for exfoliating, nourishing and anti-aging. |
mandarin oranges
healthy digestion, weight loss, antioxidant properties, boost the immune system, fight against viral infections, regulate high blood pressure, improves heart health, boosts brain function, eye health, skin protect and prevent cancer. |
_______ are highly perishable. Once they ripen, they won’t last long unless refrigerated, and even then, no longer than a week or two. |
There are more than 7,500 _____ varieties in the world — about 2,500 varieties grown in the United States. |
______ are radioactive! They contain small amounts of the isotope potassium-40. But for the radiation to be harmful you need to eat close to 700 bananas daily for over 80 years. |
Since _______ contain up to 10% of recommended daily folate levels, pregnant ladies are encouraged to consume them for healthier babies! |
mandarin oranges
______ are a winter fruit. _______ from Japan are a popular Christmas gift in the United States, Canada, and Russia. Also, they symbolize wealth and prosperity during the Asian Lunar New Year celebration. |
______ contains vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, and fiber, which helps keep your arteries healthy and promotes blood flow. |
Americans eat more _____ per capita than any other fruit. According to the USDA Economic Research Service, the average American eats about 16 pounds of fresh_____ and 28 pounds of processed _______like juice, cider, or sauce, for a total of about 44 pounds per person per year. |
______are in fact good for you. It fights depression, cures headaches and helps in weight-loss. ____skins are used to treat insect bites. _____are rich in vitamin C, anti-oxidants, calcium and folic acid. |
_____ is also packed with blood pressure-lowering potassium. In fact, a 100-gram serving of ______, that’s about one large _____, provides 15% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of potassium. |
mandarin oranges
are most commonly eaten raw but can be eaten in salads, main dishes and desserts and can even be canned. |