ACF/Frosh Cell | Bible Trivia | Western Trivia | Age Comparison |
What is:
- Bible Study - Topicals - Prayer & Sharing - Socials
What are TWO types of programs we offer at Frosh Cell?
Who is Peter?
Which apostle denied Jesus three times after His arrest?
What is Saugeen?
Which rez building has the most people living in it?
What is the iPod?
Which is older, iPod or you (first-year student)?
Who are:
- Michael Yuan (Worship) - Josh Chua (Mens) - Janelle Tung (Womens) - Jay Chen (President) - Gwyneth Yeung (Finance) - Saranya Varakunan (External)
Name TWO exec and their role (not including Sam).
What is the sixth day?
On what day did God create man?
When was 1878?
When was Western founded?
What is Instagram?
Name the oldest of the 3: WeChat, Instagram, Snapchat
What is Jeremiah 29:11?
What is the theme verse for Frosh Cell this year?
What is 3 John?
What is the shortest book of the New Testament?
Where is Middlesex College?
What is the main building for computer science?
Lucas, Carmen, Isaac, Sam, Winnie, Michelle, Diane
Name the FCL's from youngest to oldest (months count too!): Sam, Carmen, Lucas, Michelle, Isaac, Winnie, Diane