Internal Anatomy | External Anatomy | Lifestyle | Interesting Facts | Dissection |
What is ridges/rugae
The stomach has this to maximize surface area to volume.
What is the male frog.
This gender has an elongated finger in its foreleg.
What is a tadpole
A baby frog is called this.
What is a tail
What body part do adult frogs lack?
What is t-pins
What do you use to keep a frog in place?
What is 3
A frog's heart has ____ chambers.
What is it can absorb toxins
How is a frog's skin a disadvantage?
What is moist
Frogs need this kind of climate to stay alive.
What is poisonous
A brightly coloured frog means it is _____.
What is skin the frog
The first step of the dissection was to ___.
What is the liver
This is the largest internal organ.
What is hearing
The function of the tympanum is____.
What is shed their skin
When frogs get bigger, they do this.
What is three
How many eye membranes does a frog have?
What is scissors
This tool was used to cut through the skin.
What is a vocal sac
Only the male frog has this in its mouth.
What is long hind legs and large muscles
What helps a frog with locomotion?
What is suction pads
The adaptation a tree frog would is this.
What is the Goliath frog
The largest frog species is _____.
What is push it from inside the frog's mouth.
The easiest way to remove the eye is to _____.
What is the membrane that lines the coelomic cavity.
The peritoneum is the ____.
What is the nictitating membrane
The lower eye membrane is called the ____.
What is 4,000
A female frog can lay this many eggs at once.
What is Anura
A frog belongs in this order (classification).
What is the lungs
This organ was slightly difficult to locate without removing others.