what is ? | Functions ! |
What is the color of the frog?
what is Green/yellow
What is the function of the Kidneys?
It filters liquid waste.
What is the function of the Esophagus?
It transfers food from the mouth to the stomach.
What is the function of the Inferior Vena Cava ?
It carries blood from the posterior part of the body towars the heart
What is an Cloaca ?
Where undigested food, urine edds and sperm pass through
What is the function of the Veins?
Veins carry blood away fro the heart
What is an Dorsal Aorta?
Carries blood from the heart to the other oragns of the body
What is the function of testes ?
its produces sex cells , sperm.
What is a Gall Bladder?
Sac which stores bile.
What is the function of the Spleen?
the circulatory system of a frog, which makes , stores and destroy