Weird Time You've Been Hit On Weirdest Encounter With A Teacher 21+ My 13th Reason Why My favorite night time scenario
Who is Lauren
Oliver's Cousin
Who is Kiara
The ratchet ass bitch Dr. Cappelli kicked me out of class because I was coughing and she thought I had Covid. I was sitting outside doing my thang, when she comes outside and starts hitting the bun in my hair, tapping it and grabbing it as if she didn’t tell med the class that I have the fucking plague.
What ise
I was so drunk I got with a guy who also got with Negin and a week later Naomi
Who is Bita
i have no thirteenth reason my life is great and prosperous
Who is Lauren
having sex with nikfar
Who is Ella Nikfar
Some guy offered me a hooka and free shots to sit at his table
Who is Lauren
omfg when i tried to take a video of a teacher at target but my flash was on and they saw
What Kiara
My mom, sister, and I were at Katsura having dinner after a night of me sobbing, and we decided to take some fine ass saki shots. After a couple, we started talking about guys and I blurted out that I plan to fuck so many guys on buzz but I needa loose my virginity before. My mom spat out her food and was so shocked she couldn’t move. Now whenever I’m sad and texting her, the go to response is go get laid.
Who is Kiara
Simon Becker has a fucking girlfriend and don’t even have a prospect.
Who is Nikki
Late night drives
Who is Kiara
A man with crooked teeth trying to hit on me when he’s hu with my best friend- then proceeds to call me a liar in front of the whole school and make half my friends think I’m crazy
Who is Ashley Radfar
My geometry teacher who smelt like shit was a creep. Wouldn't come to school ever and when she did she would sit there and eat. When she would try to help us she would stick her fat tits in our faces as she would bend down. Later we all get an email saying she was fired and to this day still don't know why.
Who is Nikki
Got so high I got tics and thought I bit all of my teeth off
Who is Ashley
I sit next to kiara in a class and all she talks about is how shes getting into college then how shes getting in everywhere, how she likes this one guy, but doesn't, then asks for the answers after I have to listen to her bipolar ass...
Who is Bita
we’ll be at a night restaurant or bar or something. either one of us starts to flirt with someone else to make the other one jealous. this way we can build up the story. then we get really mad!! and someone storms out, and then we yell at each other and then have great hate sex. thank you. also a recreation of the elevator scene in fifty shades of grade always hits.
Who is Ashley
In downtown when we got dropped of after a party bus, I had to take care of someone puking on one side of me and hiding behind Josh as a big group of black guys stared at my tits and made animal noises.
Who is Tiana
I asked a teacher if I could smoke a joint with him after I graduate and he said yes.
Who is Ella Nikfar
Snuck out of a room at 3 am and came back plastered drunk only to find another guy was sleeping on a diff bed in the same room u were #weird
Who is Ella Nikfar
My family pays me money and doesn’t say no bc they think I’m annoying
Who is Ashley
I'm at school making fuck me eyes with this one guy, we strat to hook up in Mr. Kung's room. We don't talk after. We see each other at a party and just dance and hu in the middle, then go to the persons room.
Who is Bita
1. “you wanna go somewhere quiet and talk” LMAO 2. “i saw you at school today how tall are you”
Who is Nikki
One teacher asked me if I had an IEP. I did not
Who is Lauren
one time so drunk i thought ethan azari was cute
Who is Nikki
Ella Nikfar.
Who is Kiara
I fly out to Michigan and text my sneaky link that I’m at the airport, he’s waiting there to pick me up and when I see him I run and jump in his arms as if we have been dating for years. We go back to his dorm and we spend every waking hour of the weekend together- we sleep in his dorm at night, we go to breakfast, his frat for parties and everyone knows I’m his girl. Fast forward 3 years. He’s a senior and I’m a junior. We are having a convo about life outside of college and I tell him his the love of my life but I don’t wanna do long distance since he’s going back to la and I plan on being in ny. We break up and we are both on the brink of killing ourselves. After a year of not speaking, I walk in a cafe in La and see him on a date with another girl. We make eye contact, I grab my coffee and RUN outside to avoid him but he catches my arm. We talk about how life has been and I tell him I decided to go to USC for business school. He looks at me and says he’s never been more happy, we move in together and he drops his girl, ans we have babies and life happy ever after.


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