Katie Fost | Jeannine | Random | Which muscle group does _ primarily work | Nights out |
Who is Hope
Katie's Sister's Name
What is Oceanport NJ
Jeannine's hometown
Who is Rutgers
This team won the Big 10 FH Championship
What are triceps and upper chest
Close grip bench (2)
*specific |
Who is Belle
This person was shaking the bed when Maggie threw up at 299
What is Vizsla
Summits Breed
What is pink
Jeannine's scooter color
What is Farfalle
The real name of bow tie pasta
What are hamstrings
Romanian Deadlift
What is Red
The majority of juniors wore this color dress to formal
What is Defense
Katie's Position in College
What is pasta
Jeannine's favorite thing to cook when drunk
What is S-O-R-E-C-O
The spelling of Carrie's Husband's last name
What are Glutes
Kas bridge
What is Busch Apple
The best beer to ever be made
What is 5'1"
Katie's Height
What is Back & Bis
Jeannine's favorite workout day
(chest, legs, back & bis, or tris & shoulders) |
Who is Stone
Hannah's twin brother's name
What is chest
DB Pullover
What is purple
The color of Lindsey's birthday cake that was eaten at 299
What is Lusby, MD
Katie's Hometown (1/2 point for State)
What is Osaka
Jeannine's Field Hockey Stick Brand
What is exercise science
The newly added major at York College
What are deltoids
Cable face pulls
What is 9/11/21
The date of the first weekend we went out last semester