animals | Airplanes | random | FOOD | contry's |
No they can't
can kangaroos fart?
is the dirtiest place on an air plane the bathroom
300-400 millon tons
how much do all adults on earth weigh?
Ranch dressing is dyed.
is ranch dressing dyed?
Everyone who lives in this European country, even foreigners, can attend college tuition-free.
can every body who lives Germany go to collage tuition tuition free?
Dogs Will Reduce Your Stress
what will dogs do?
The Concorde took about 3 hours to fly from New York to London
how long did it take the concord to fly from New York to London?
yes it is
is it possible for a alligator to eat a shark?
The red food dye for Skittles is made from boiled beetles.
is the red food dye for Skittles made from boiled beetles?
what is the most visited country in the world?
three percent of the ice in Antarctic penguin urine.
what percent of penguin pee makes up antarkica
20 percent
what percent of people are afraid of flying
yes he can.
can a Turkish man squirt milk out of his eye.
The most expensive pizza in the world costs about $12,000 dollars.
how much does the most expensive pizza cost
bread ,bowling, paper and ink, make up and wigs,calenders ,tables ,toothpaste ,police , medicine and calendar.
what was invented in Egypt
20 inches
how how long is smallest cat?
A Boeing 747 tank can hold 48,445 gallons of fuel.
how much fuel can a 747 hold
10 to 20 degrees farenheight
how much cooler is it inside a cucumber then the outside?
what percent is it that your parents will steal some of your halloween candy?
126 million single chop sticks — manufactured in China every year.
how many single chop sticks are produced In china every year?
the African bush elephant
what is the longest land animal in the world
The world's largest airplane weighs nearly 600 tons.
how much does the worlds largest plane weigh
a bogle
what is a beagle dog plus a boxer dog?
in Columbia
roasted ants are a popular snack in
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the humble but delicious bagel was invented in this European country.
what food was invented in Poland