Sports | Academics | Bravo Building | Random | Are you smarter than a 5th grader? |
Track/ Cross Country
What is the biggest team at bravo? (In size)
True/False: Freshman can take AP classes
How many staircases does Bravo have?
3:37 pm
What time does school end?
How many states made up the United States before Alaska and Hawaii joined?
Division 1
What is the division for bravo softball?
Counseling office
What is the name of the office that helps you when you need to make changes to your schedule
What floor is the pool on?
Maroon and white
What are the school colors?
How many syllables are in the word Rhinoceros?
2.0 gpa
What is the minimum GPA required to play a sport?
Lecture hall
Where are most bulk exams taken?
Through the stairs on the fifth floor
How do you access the pool?
8:30 am
When does school start?
What number is the Roman numeral XVI?
Bravo knights
What is the minimum GPA required to play a sport?
Algebra 2
What subject does Mr.Shen teach?
What is the color of the even floors at bravo?
Dr. Lopez
What is the name of the school principal?
5 hours/ 300 minutes
If a train leaves the station and travels at 60 miles per hour, how much time will have passed when it arrives at a station 300 miles away?
Boys basketball
Which Bravo team just won a division 3 championship?
True/False: Bravo is a purple ribbon school
2nd floor
What floor is the main entrance on?
Textbook room
What room is DIRECTLY next to the lecture hall?
Legislative, judicial, and executive.
What are the three branches of the United States government? Legislative, judicial, and executive.